Page 49 of Bitsy

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Viper came home two days after he woke up. Because of my compromised immune system, he had to undergo basic tests before he came home to make sure he wasn’t bringing any bugs along with him. The moment he walked through the door I cried harder than I ever have. Even when I thought he was going to die. Seeing him alive and healthy was overwhelming.

Now, the sun hangs low on the horizon as I walk beside Viper, our fingers entwined, our steps slow but steady. It has been a long and challenging journey for both of us, filled with pain and uncertainty, but today feels different. Today, we are heading to my next treatment, and there is a glimmer of hope in the air.

Viper’s strong presence beside me provides unwavering support, a reminder that we are in this together, no matter what. As we approach the familiar doors of the treatment center, my heart flutters with a mixture of anxiety and anticipation.

Inside, we are greeted by the doctors and nurses who have become a part of our extended family over the months of my battle with this cancer. Their smiles are warm and reassuring as they prepare me for the treatment.

Dr. Stone approaches us, his eyes filled with a gentle kindness that has seen me through some of my darkest moments. He holds my latest scan results in his hands, and I can just tell that he is harboring good news.

“Ms. Williams,” he greets, his voice steady, “I’m glad to see that you are home and doing well, Mr. Knight. Alright, I have some promising news for you today.”

Viper squeezes my hand, his eyes locked onto Dr. Stone’s, waiting for the verdict.

“Your scans are clear,” Dr. Stone says, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “You’re in early remission.”

The weight of those words lifts from my shoulders, and I feel tears of relief welling up in my eyes. Viper’s grip on my hand tightens, and he pulls me into a tight embrace, his own emotions mirroring mine.

“After today, you can stop the treatments,” Dr. Stone explains, “but we’ll need to continue monitoring your progress with scans every three months, just to be sure.”

I nod, overwhelmed with gratitude. The journey has been arduous, but the prospect of a future free from the relentless grip of cancer fills me with hope. Viper and I have faced unimaginable challenges together, and now we can look forward to a life where our love can flourish without the shadow of illness.

As we leave the treatment center hours later, the world feels brighter, and the future holds the promise of endless possibilities. We have weathered the storm, me and this stranger, and a love grew between us that has sustained us through the darkest of times and will continue to light our way forward.

“Let’s go tell our family,” Viper says. “I love you so much.”

His tears match my own. But for once, they’re tears of happiness. Tears of a future we can now dream about.

I beat cancer.

I won.


I stood at the altar, my heart racing with anticipation. Before me stood the love of my life, Bitsy, looking more beautiful than ever in her wedding gown. Her eyes shimmered with happiness, and the radiant smile on her face made my heart skip a beat. Today, we were making our dreams come true, surrounded by our family and friends.

The Phantoms MC, Bitsy’s side of the family, stood proudly among our guests, a testament to the unity we had forged between our two clubs. Our love story was a testament to the power of love and resilience.

“I vow to love you with all my heart,” I began, my voice filled with emotion. “To cherish you, protect you, and be your partner in all things. I promise to stand by your side through every storm and every triumph, for as long as we both shall live.”

Bitsy’s eyes sparkled with tears of happiness as she recited her vows, her voice filled with unwavering love and devotion. The exchange of rings sealed our commitment, and the world faded away, leaving only us, ready to face the future as husband and wife.

Our family and friends cheered, celebrating our love and happiness. Laughter and music filled the air as we danced the night away, each moment a reminder of the incredible journey that had brought us to this day.

In the arms of my beloved Bitsy, surrounded by the people who meant the most to us, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Our love had triumphed over adversity, and as we looked toward the future, I knew that our love would continue to shine brightly, guiding us through the rest of our lives together.

“You are such a sap,” Bitsy laughs from behind my shoulder. “What are you doing?”

Smiling, I close the journal and turn to my nosey wife.

I’m writing our story,” I admit. “I want our children to know how amazing and strong their mommy is.”

“Well,” she says, lying down on the bed. “Considering we just got married two hours ago and you still haven’t made love to me a single time since we’ve been together, I’m not sure children are going to be a possibility. Besides, how can you resist this?”

Bitsy lifts her beautiful white dress revealing her jean-covered legs and biker boots.

I laugh and toss the pen on the table.
