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I sat at the breakfast table, my phone screen casting a soft glow on my face. My eyes wandered to the kitchen, where Sophia was in her world, cheerfully humming while she tackled the morning dishes.

The sunlight streaming through the window gave her an almost ethereal glow, a moment of serenity in our otherwise tumultuous lives.

The message from Leo confirmed what we had all believed, but it was only part of the story. The motive behind his ruthless act remained a puzzle.

Yet, as I watched Sophia occupied in her task, I couldn't bring myself to shatter her temporary peace.

I knew, eventually, I'd have to tell her the full truth. When I dug up the motive behind Francisco's deeds, that'd be the time, but for now, I silently promised to let her enjoy these tranquil moments in her small bubble of ignorance.

I didn’t know how long I had been thinking, but Sophia, ever perceptive, noticed my distant expression and approached me with concern.

She gently touched my shoulder, leaning closer to see if I was alright. "Hey," she asked, "what's been bothering you?"

I leaned back in my chair, my fingers lightly drumming on the table as I contemplated her question. A small, knowing smirk tugged at the corner of my lips as I appreciated her attentiveness.

"Looks like someone has been observing me,” I teased, my gaze locked onto hers.

Sophia rolled her eyes in an endearing, playful manner. "Well, it's hard not to notice when you've been staring into thin air for the past ten minutes."

Chuckling softly, I acknowledged her astute assessment. "Alright, alright, you've got me there."

Her warm smile reassured me as I leaned closer, our faces coming within mere inches of each other. "Well, you see," I continued, my voice softening, "I've been thinking..."

Sophia raised a curious eyebrow, her interest piqued. "Thinking about what, Mr. De Luca?"

Leaning closer, our conversation intimate, I locked my gaze onto hers. My hand found its way to rest gently atop hers, our fingers interlacing. "How about a date? Just you and me."

Sophia's expressive eyes widened in surprise at my proposal, her lips parting slightly. "A date? But what about the threats and everything?"

I offered a reassuring smile as my hand stayed over hers, comforting her. "I'll handle everything, Sophia," I assured her. Leaning in just a bit more, "Besides, I think you could use a change of scenery and fresh air," I added. "What do you say?"

Surprise and curiosity danced in her eyes as she considered my offer. After a moment, her expression softened, and she gave me a nod filled with gratitude and newfound resolve. "You know what, Matteo? I think I'd love that."

Chapter 35


I stood before the mirror, my room scattered with discarded clothing options. Keisha's face illuminated my phone screen as we went through my wardrobe via video call.

"Maybe the red blouse with those black pants?" Keisha suggested, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

I hesitated momentarily, then reluctantly tried on the red blouse with the black pants. I twirled around, examining myself in the mirror.

Keisha's eyes narrowed, and I could practically hear her sigh. "Sophia, you look amazing in that outfit! Seriously, how many more clothes are you going to try on?"

I grimaced, fully aware of my indecisiveness. "I just want it to be perfect, you know? It's been so long since I’ve been on a real date."

Keisha rolled her eyes playfully. "Soph, you could wear a potato sack, and Matteo would still think you're the most beautiful woman in the world. You're overthinking this."

I glanced at the growing pile of rejected outfits on my bed, feeling exasperated. "I know, I know. I just want everything to go smoothly."

Keisha chuckled with an eye roll. "Alright, last try. How about that blue dress you wore to my birthday last year?"

I sighed and nodded. It was a lovely dress, and it had been one of Keisha's favorites. As I slipped into it, I saw Keisha's eyes light up with approval.

"That's it!" she exclaimed. "You look stunning, Soph. Now, I promise, this is the one. No more wardrobe changes."

I grinned, thankful for Keisha's patience. "Thanks, Keisha. You're the best."
