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There was not an inch of space left between us; our bodies pressed together with an intensity that left no room for escape.

I wrapped my arms around Matteo's shoulders, flushing against his. Rising onto my tiptoes, I guided one leg to cradle his undeniable hardness and began to move sensuously against him.

Through the fabric of my dress, I could feel the undeniable pressure of his arousal pressing against my aching, drenched pussy. Each movement sent electric waves of desire coursing through me.

Matteo abruptly pulled his mouth from mine, leaving a trail of heated kisses along my jaw. His groan sounded like I was torturing him rather than driving him wild with my movements.

His voice, a husky whisper in my ear, nearly got lost amidst my gasping breaths and the cacophony of my racing heart.

But I heard every word, and his intoxicatingly filthy praise only fueled my desire. I intensified my grinding against him, seeking pleasure from his strong body.

"God, yes,principessa (princess)," Matteo murmured, his tone dripping with arousal. His hands on my hips steadied me, ensuring I remained pressed against his bulge as I continued my fervent movements.

His lips traced a fiery path down my neck, marking my skin with heated kisses that left tingling sensations in their wake.

My body was a whirlwind of pleasure and desperation, and in that moment, I couldn't control the words that tumbled from my lips.

"Feels so good," I husked, a blissful moan intermingling with my attempt to keep my voice low.

A warmth spread across his face, his azure eyes turning molten. "Brava ragazza (Good girl)," he rumbled in his deep, soothing voice. "Thank you for being honest with me."

Matteo leaned closer, planting a tender kiss on my lips, so sweet it nearly brought tears to my eyes. But then he drew back, his desire taking over, evident in the intensity of his gaze.

"Touch my cock,principessa (princess)," he urged, his voice low and dripping with desire. "Feel how hard you've made me."

Relief washed over me, and I returned his smile, my heart pounding with anticipation. Without hesitation, I slid my hand between our bodies, palming his bulge through the fabric of his jeans.

Matteo rested his head against the fridge door behind me, a guttural groan escaping his lips as I took him in my hand.

He twitched and quivered under my touch, and I couldn't help but moan softly, feeling a potent mixture of power and awe at how I could elicit such a response from him.

Before consciously deciding, I sank to my knees on the cold kitchen floor. Matteo took a step back to give me space, and a look of amazement danced across his features.

But I wasn't about to let him be the only one surprised. I couldn't help but smirk, basking in how Matteo appeared both captivated and half-wild, as though he wanted to join me in this unexpected moment of desire.

As my knees met the unforgiving tile, a small wince escaped me at the chill. Sensing my discomfort, Matteo swiftly removed his shirt, crumpled it into a makeshift cushion, and handed it to me.

I thanked him with a grateful smile, though my eyes couldn't resist a slow, appreciative journey down his muscular chest. I tucked his shirt beneath my knees, relishing its comforting softness, and shifted my attention to the thick bulge in Matteo's jeans.

My fingers curled around the hem of his jeans, and I tantalizingly pulled them down, unveiling inch after glorious inch of his impressive length.

He was substantial, with prominent veins tracing down his shaft, leading to a broad, well-defined tip. When his cock sprang free, I took it in my hand, gently stroking him with teasing intent.

A soft smacking sound above me drew my focus away from Matteo's arousal. He had braced a hand against the fridge; his head slightly bowed as his gaze remained fixated on me.

When our eyes met, I couldn't help but smile, a mischievous glint. Playfully, I stuck out my tongue, tracing it along the sensitive ridge beneath the underside of his erect member while maintaining an unwavering connection through our locked gazes.

A stifled groan escaped him, a mere rumble in his chest, and his eyes fluttered closed briefly. They soon snapped open when I enveloped the broad head of his manhood with my eager lips and began to suck gently.

Matteo's eyes blazed with an intensity that left no room for doubt. "You're gonna drive me wild with that mouth,principessa," he rasped, his voice laced with tightly controlled desire. His fingers, the ones not entangled in my hair, rested gently against the crown of my head.

His praise elicited a smile from me, as much as I could muster with him filling my mouth, and I willingly took him deeper.

Matteo's fingers flexed against my head, a reassuring grip rather than a forceful one.

"Fuck," he growled from above, his eyes narrowing as he watched his impressive length disappear into my mouth. "So damn gorgeous with those lips wrapped around my cock."

His whispered compliments fueled my passion. My tongue trailed the throbbing veins along his shaft as I bobbed rhythmically, each descent taking him further into the wet warmth of my mouth.
