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As I made my way to the living room, my steps quickened with the hope that I would find Matteo there.

However, my heart sank as I approached the living room, and the muffled voices grew clearer. It wasn't Matteo I found but Leo, a man who had become an unexpected pillar of support in my life.

Matteo saw him as a close confidante, a trusted friend, and even called him an uncle.

Leo sat on one of the couches, engrossed in conversation with Antonio, who stood nearby. Their hushed tones and furrowed brows hinted at the gravity of their discussion.

I felt like an intruder, a silent observer in a conversation not meant for my ears.

"Sophia," Leo greeted me as he noticed my approach. His usually warm and reassuring eyes now held a hint of concern.

He had seen me, from the shadows, transform from a frightened girl eager to avoid Matteo to someone who had fallen in love with him, and I couldn't help but wonder where Matteo was at the moment.

"Leo," I replied, my voice laced with uncertainty. "What's happening?"

Antonio, too, turned his attention to me. His usually composed demeanor now masked a deeper concern. "There have been some developments, Sophia," he began carefully. "We need to ensure your safety."

Leo nodded in agreement. "Your safety is our top priority, Sophia. We won't let any harm come to you."

Their words hung in the air, casting a shadow over the room. It was clear that something significant had occurred and demanded immediate action.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, my voice trembling with fear and confusion. Leo and Antonio exchanged a hesitant glance, their expressions heavy with the weight of the truth they were about to reveal.

Finally, Leo cleared his throat and spoke, "Sophia, Matteo has made a decision. He's chosen to go to war with Francisco."

My heart skipped a beat, and I felt a rush of shock and disbelief. "War? But... but why?" I exclaimed, unable to comprehend the gravity of what they were telling me.

Antonio stepped forward, his gaze steady but filled with concern. "The attack on you, Sophia," he explained, his voice gentle. "It pushed Matteo to make a move as quickly as possible. He couldn't wait any longer."

I couldn't contain my worry and frustration as I questioned them. "Why aren't you with Matteo?" I demanded, my voice quivering with concern. "You two should be by his side."

Antonio and Leo exchanged a knowing look, and Antonio spoke with a gentle but firm tone, "Matteo assigned us to watch over you, Sophia. He wants to make sure you're safe, no matter what."

The conflicting emotions swirled within me. On one hand, I was touched by Matteo's enduring care for me, even during such a perilous situation. On the other hand, I couldn't help but be angry at his sacrificial act.

Feeling overwhelmed, I sank onto the couch, my hands trembling. Leo approached me, his calming presence a soothing balm to my frayed nerves.

He handed me a glass of water, and I took it gratefully, sipping slowly to steady my racing heart.

"Calm down, Sophia," Leo urged, his voice filled with reassurance. "Matteo's a strong man who knows what he's doing. We're here to protect you, just as he wanted."

I nodded. Deep down, my worry for Matteo gnawed at my heart. All I could do was trust in him and his choices, even if it meant staying behind while he faced the dangers ahead.

I couldn't help but think of Matteo, somewhere out there, facing danger. My heart ached with worry.

“Besides, Matteo might not even need to risk his life.”

Leo's words sparked hope, and I looked up at him. "What do you mean?" I asked.

He leaned forward, his eyes locking onto mine with a knowing gaze, though I chose to act oblivious.

"The police recently received an anonymous file containing detailed information about Francisco's illegal activities," he explained. "It's as if someone wants to expose his crimes to the world."

I furrowed my brow, trying to process this unexpected turn of events. "But who would do such a thing?" I wondered aloud.

Antonio, who had been quietly observing the conversation, said, "Sometimes, in this world, alliances shift, and even the most trusted allies can become adversaries. Someone might have a score to settle with Francisco."

I maintained my innocence, ignoring their knowing gazes fixed upon me. As Leo and Antonio continued their discussion, I sipped the glass of water they had offered.
