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With a creak, the door was yanked open, and I barely had a chance to raise my head before I was enveloped in a fierce embrace.

Leo and Antonio, like guardian angels, had come to my rescue. They lifted me gently, swiftly removing me from the wretched state of bondage.

Weak and swaying, I leaned heavily on their supporting arms. Antonio's eyes bore into mine, filled with concern, as they guided me away from my cell.

Leo's voice, laced with relief, cut through the shadows as he remarked, "You look like shit, Matteo."

A raspy chuckle escaped my parched lips, and I managed a feeble grin. At that moment, I was just happy to get out of here finally.

Slurred and feeble, my voice escaped my parched lips as I tried to ask what was happening. Leo and Antonio, their voices laced with concern, immediately hushed me.

"Matteo, don't talk," Leo urged, his tone firm but filled with worry.

"Yeah, just rest for now," Antonio added, his voice gentle yet tinged with anxiety.

I could barely keep my eyes open, and the world around me became a hazy blur. As they guided me into a car, I felt their supporting arms around me, and the engine roared to life.

The gentle vibrations of the vehicle in motion were strangely soothing.

As consciousness slipped further away, I struggled to stay awake, but the exhaustion was overwhelming. The last thing I heard before succumbing to unconsciousness was Antonio's voice, filled with concern. "Hang in there, Matteo."

Chapter 43


Three days had passed since our daughter's birth, and we were back in the comforting embrace of our apartment. The hospital stay had been brief, thanks to the reassuring strength of our little one's vitals.

There was no need for the incubator; we were allowed to bring her home.

The nursery, swiftly crafted by Leo and Antonio during my absence, provided a warm and welcoming space for our new addition.

It was equipped with all the necessities, from a crib to a changing table, everything a newborn could require.

Sitting beside the crib, I balanced my laptop on my lap, glancing occasionally at our peacefully sleeping daughter.

Soft, tender light bathed the room, creating an atmosphere of serenity that felt like a sanctuary amid the chaos that had shaken our lives.

With one hand resting lightly on the crib, I continued my work on the laptop. I was working on finding out Francisco’s location because where Francisco was, Matteo had to be.

Leo and Antonio had already gone to check out the De Luca family house where Francisco was residing, but the building was completely devoid of life.

Three days had passed, and I was worried about Matteo's condition. Undoubtedly, Francisco would do anything to get what he wanted. I truly hoped Matteo was okay and still alive; otherwise, I didn’t know what to do.

Amid the nursery's serene ambiance, bathed in the gentle glow of the soft lighting, I hunched over my laptop, a picture of unwavering focus.

With one hand resting lightly on the crib, I continued my work, each keystroke taking me deeper into the labyrinthine world of cyberspace.

The search for Francisco's location was no simple task, but I was armed with determination and the digital arsenal that I had acquired over the years.

My fingers danced across the keyboard as I navigated the intricate web of encrypted messages, clandestine forums, and hidden connections Francisco had used to obscure his presence.

But I was not to be deterred. I employed every cybersecurity trick in the book, masking my digital tracks with virtual private networks (VPNs) and anonymous browsers. My pursuit had to remain covert; no trace could lead back to me.

As I meticulously sifted through the data, a critical lead emerged, hidden within the depths of an email thread. The email contained a cryptic mention of a safe house, a location that Francisco had taken great pains to protect.

Yet, even the most careful criminals left behind a trail, and I was determined to follow it.

With precision, I unraveled the breadcrumb trail that led to Francisco's hideout. I used the available information to triangulate the location, a seemingly abandoned warehouse on the city's outskirts.
