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My jaw clenched as I forced myself to maintain eye contact. "You're mistaken. There's nothing between us but a working relationship."

He leaned forward, his fingers steepled beneath his chin. "We'll see about that, Sophia."

With that infuriating comment, he remained seated, leaving me seething in his presence.

The tension lingered in the air, a reminder of the tangled web we were both caught in.

As I turned back to my work, my fingers dancing across the keyboard, I couldn't shake the feeling that Matteo De Luca was determined to play a game I wasn't entirely sure I was ready to play.

His gaze shifted from our banter to my computer, and I followed his line of sight. "So, what project have you got brewing there?"

I hesitated, momentarily caught off guard by his genuine interest. I explained my idea for a revolutionary algorithm designed to enhance data encryption.

It would utilize cutting-edge AI techniques to strengthen cybersecurity protocols, offering higher protection against cyber threats.

As I spoke, I noticed how he leaned forward, focusing solely on my shared details.

There were no taunts, no smirks—just a thoughtful exchange of ideas.

He nodded as I finished outlining my vision. "That sounds promising, Sophia. Ambitious, even."

I blinked in surprise, his response far more positive than anticipated. "You think so?"

He nodded again, his expression serious. "Absolutely. I can see its potential in this field."

I leaned back in my chair, the initial tension in my shoulders easing. It was strange to have a civil conversation with Matteo, discussing ideas and exchanging viewpoints without the usual undercurrent of snark.

His demeanor had shifted entirely, and I was secretly surprised by how engaged and knowledgeable he was when genuinely interested.

"Do you have any suggestions?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

He leaned back, tapping his fingers thoughtfully against the armrest.

"Well, considering the rapid advancements in AI and data analytics, you might want to explore integrating more advanced networks. And have you thought about potential partnerships with research institutions?"

I nodded, absorbing his input. We continued to bounce ideas off each other, diving deeper into the possibilities and challenges of the project.

For the first time since I had started working under Matteo's employment, I saw a different side of him—a side that was driven, insightful, and genuinely invested in the conversation.

As the discussion unfolded, I began to see a different side of Matteo – one that went beyond the smirks and arrogance.

Beneath that exterior was a shrewd and perceptive individual who knew how to navigate the intricate world of technology and business.

This revelation intrigued and unsettled me, challenging my simplistic perception of him.

At that moment, I couldn't help but recall the evening of the charity ball when I had been drawn to his charisma and presence.

There had been a magnetic quality to him that night, and now, as I witnessed his insights and genuine engagement, I could see a glimmer of that same allure.

Eventually, our conversation tapered off, leaving an air of camaraderie in its wake. Matteo leaned back in his chair, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips.

"You've got a solid foundation to build upon, Sophia. Keep refining your ideas, which might become something groundbreaking."

I nodded, feeling my insides soften at how genuine he sounded. "Thank you, Matteo.”

His gaze held mine for a moment, and in that fleeting connection, I saw a glimpse of the person he could be when he shed his facade.

It was a momentary truce, a shared understanding that there was more beneath the surface.
