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With those hasty words, Matteo turned and rushed away, leaving me with a mix of emotions swirling within me.

The ballroom that had felt so magical moments ago now felt vast and empty, as if the energy that had once filled it had been sucked away.

The suddenness of his departure left me feeling cold and unsure, like a bucket of ice water had been poured over the heat that had been building between us.

His presence, his touch, and the intensity of our shared moment seemed to dissipate in the wake of whatever had transpired.

I was left to grapple with the abrupt interruption of our passionate encounter, the unanswered questions that lingered in the air, and the unsettling feeling that our connection had been severed as quickly as it had been ignited.

As I stood there, watching the space where Matteo had vanished, I couldn't help but wonder what had gone wrong.

Chapter 14


Thespacebetweenuswas charged with desire, the air alive with an undeniable tension as our tongues danced.

Her hand wrapped around my cock was driving me mad. Just before I decided to throw caution against the wind and fuck Sophia right there in the open space, my phone buzzed urgently in my pocket.

A sigh of frustration slipped past my lips as we were startled at the abrupt interruption and separated.

I could already feel the awkwardness between us at that moment. Wishing I could ignore the call, but knowing it could be important, I quickly fumbled for my phone.

I glanced down, and my brows furrowed as I read the caller ID – Leo.

“Yes?” I couldn’t stop my tone from sounding sharp. I loved Leo like my uncle, but I couldn’t help but curse him in my mind at his terrible timing.

"Matteo, you need to hear this," Leo's voice crackled through the phone, urgency evident in his ton

I frowned, casting a last lingering look at Sophia before stepping away. I moved to a more secluded corner of the balcony, my heart pounding in anticipation of Leo's words.

What could be so pressing that he'd interrupt this moment?

"Leo,cosa sta succedendo (Leo, what's going on)? I questioned, my voice sharp with a mixture of curiosity and impatience.

"Matteo, I've been digging into your father's case," Leo began, his voice tense. "I uncovered something, something that changes everything."

I felt a chill run down my spine, the air growing heavy with foreboding. Leo's words carried a weight that I couldn't ignore.

"Tell me," I demanded, my voice low and tight.

"Matteo, your father's death wasn't an accident," Leo's words hit me like a physical blow, the impact so profound that I staggered back slightly.

"What?" My voice came out in a sharp yell, my mind struggling to process the enormity of his revelation.

"He was murdered, Matteo," Leo continued, his voice laden with anger and sorrow. "Someone killed him, and it was made to look like an accident."

My thoughts whirled, a maelstrom of confusion, anger, and disbelief. My father's death, long thought to be a tragic accident, was now revealed as a calculated act of violence.

It felt as if the ground beneath me was shifting, the foundation of my understanding crumbling.

"I can't believe it," I muttered, my hand trembling slightly as I clutched the phone.

“What happened?” Sophia’s voice cut through my swirling thoughts. I could hear the concern in her voice, but I couldn’t answer her.

"Matteo, I know this is a lot to take in," Leo's voice was sympathetic, "but you need to come here. I have more information, and Antonio is already on his way."

"I can't stay. I have to go, Sophia," I said, my voice strained with urgency and regret. "I'll arrange for a car to take you back. I'm sorry."
