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I had subjected him to intense interrogations, convinced that he held some responsibility, that his motives had been sinister.

But to my surprise, he had turned out to be innocent, with no knowledge of the events that led to my father's death.

With time, I had been forced to accept the painful reality that my father had died in a tragic car accident.

It was a bitter pill to swallow, accepting that the man who had taught me strength and resilience had been taken away so senselessly.

And now, sitting in Leo's living room, facing the shocking revelation that my suspicions from the past might have held more truth than I had ever imagined, a wave of conflicting emotions surged within me.

Anger at the possibility that someone had deliberately taken my father away from me.

Frustration that despite my relentless pursuit of answers, the truth had remained hidden and determination to finally uncover the secrets that had shrouded my father's death for so long.

As Leo's words echoed in the air, confirming what I had suspected years ago, I knew I couldn't let this revelation go unanswered.

My father deserved to be avenged, and I was willing to go to any lengths to find out the truth, no matter how painful or dangerous it could be.

My mind briefly went to Sophia and how her face had turned downcast when I had stated that I needed to leave.

The memory of our almost-shared moment, the fire that had blazed between us, tugged at my conscience, but I threw it to the back of my mind. Avenging my father was more important.

“What about the policeman whose table you searched?” Antonio piped up. “The fact that you found this there means that whoever did it has men in the police force.” He gestured to the files that were still in my hands.

“That’s where you’ll need to come in.” Leo gave me a serious look. “I can’t get involved; otherwise, my cover could be blown.”

“You don’t need to worry. I’ll handle it, but I can’t promise to return him to you alive.” I said in a low voice.

My mind was filled with thoughts about torturing the culprit behind my father’s death. Though it couldn’t compare to the real thing, I could feel a bit of twisted satisfaction.

I was not going to spare anyone.

Chapter 15


Icouldn’tbelievethatI gave in to my desires! I covered my face with my palm and groaned on my bed.

Frustration and regret churned within me. What was I thinking?

The intensity of the moment, closeness, and overwhelming emotions had all clouded my judgment.

As I lay there on my bed, replaying the scene in my mind, I couldn't help but berate myself. It wasn't supposed to happen like this.

I had promised myself that I wouldn't let my emotions get the best of me or allow our attraction to lead me astray.

Suppressing these feelings hadn't been easy. The tension and chemistry were undeniable and had been simmering beneath the surface for so long.

But I had resolved to stay strong, keep a clear head, and not let myself get swept away by something dangerous.

And yet, at that moment, all my self-control had crumbled. I had let down my guard and let my desires take over, and for what?

A fleeting rush of pleasure that left me feeling more conflicted than ever.

As I lay there, replaying the scene over and over in my mind, I couldn't shake off the nagging curiosity about what had happened.

What had caused Matteo to react abruptly, from that intense moment to a sudden rush to leave?

The memory of his furrowed brows, the shock on his face, and the urgency in his voice played like a loop in my mind.
