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I could feel his fingers tightening on my waist, his body pressing against mine as if he couldn't get enough.

As the kiss deepened, our tongues entangled, and the world around us faded into the background. He and I were caught in raw desire and unspoken tension.

My fingers found their way to the collar of his shirt, and my nails grazed against his skin as a surge of heat coursed through me.

Our breaths became ragged and urgent, the chemistry between us igniting like a spark that had been smoldering for far too long.

I could taste the mingling of desire and frustration in how his tongue wrapped around mine, a silent admission of the emotions simmering beneath the surface.

It was as if all the barriers between us had dissolved. The lines between attraction and conflict blurred, leaving only the pulsating need that drew us together.

But just as quickly as it had started, the kiss was broken by the loud crash from the corridor, shattering the bubble of intimacy we had created.

Our breaths were heavy, our eyes locked as we tried to comprehend what had transpired between us.

As the seconds passed, I realized the gravity of what I had just done. My grip on his collar loosened, and I slowly pulled away, our eyes meeting in a mixture of shock and confusion.

My heart hammered in my chest, and I could hardly believe what I had just done.

"Uh, we should probably check what's going on," I mumbled awkwardly, my mind still reeling from the impulsive kiss and the sudden interruption.

It was as if our brains were buffering, our movements slow and uncertain. Matteo seemed just as taken aback as I was, his expression a mix of surprise and something else I couldn't quite decipher.

Without waiting for his response, I turned towards the laptop, quickly yanking the USB out of the port and stuffing it into my pocket.

My heart raced as I rearranged the desk and laptop, trying to erase any trace of what I had done.

As I approached the door and stood behind him, I could feel Matteo's eyes on me, but I didn't dare meet his gaze.

I needed to get out of there, to put some distance between us and the whirlwind of emotions that had erupted at that moment.

Taking a step forward and standing beside Matteo in the corridor, I could see the cause of the commotion.

Two employees had collided, dropping the load they had been carrying. It was a mundane and innocent enough reason for the chaos and a stark reminder that the world outside our bubble of tension and desire was still turning.

I cleared my throat, my voice sounding too high-pitched as I gestured toward the scene. "Looks like they had a little accident."

Matteo nodded, his expression unreadable. "Yeah, seems like it."

We watched as the employees scrambled to gather their fallen papers and belongings.

As we stood side by side, I couldn't help but wonder what would happen next, how this unexpected twist would alter the already complicated dynamic between us.

The day eventually ended, a fact for which I was grateful. The office atmosphere had returned to normalcy, but the unfolding events still lingered in my mind.

I rushed home, my heart pounding with anxiety and anticipation. The USB that held the extracted data burned in my pocket, a reminder of the risk I had taken.

Once home, I hurriedly connected the USB to my laptop and waited for the contents to load.

As I watched the progress bar inch forward, my thoughts drifted back to the chaotic events in Matteo's office.

We had kissed twice in a day, which seemed both crazy and maddening. Just hours before, I had denied any connection between us, yet there we were, our lips colliding in intense tension.

The memory of our second kiss, initiated by me in a state of panic, made heat rise to my cheeks. I covered my face with my hands, overcome with embarrassment and shame.

What had possessed me to do something so reckless, so out of character? Fuck.

I could already imagine myself telling Keisha about it and her having a blast at my expense.
