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Slowly, two faint lines materialized in the small window, one next to the other. A sense of disbelief washed over me as I stared at the lines, my mind struggling to process what I saw.

"Hey, Sophia, what's the result?" Keisha's voice came through the closed bathroom door, tinged with excitement and concern.

My throat felt dry, and my hands trembled slightly as I tried to find my voice. "I... I'm not sure yet."

I heard her footsteps approaching, and my heart raced even faster. Keisha entered the bathroom, her eyes locked on the pregnancy test.

A hushed silence settled between us as we both focused on the lines that had appeared on the stick.

Finally, Keisha broke the silence, her voice gentle. "Sophia, those lines... they mean..."

I nodded, my gaze still fixed on the test. "Yeah, I know. It's positive."

Keisha placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Sophia, I'm here for you, whatever you decide."

I shook my head, racing to find an explanation to make the positive result seem like a mistake. "No, Keisha, there has to be some error. Maybe the stick is faulty or something."

Keisha's expression was a mix of concern and sympathy. "Sophia, denying it won't change the reality."

I clenched my fists, frustration and denial welling up within me. "I can't be pregnant, Keisha. It's just... not possible."

She sighed softly, her tone gentle. "Sophia, I understand this is a lot to take in. But ignoring it won't make it go away. The best thing to do right now is to confirm it properly."

I inhaled deeply, feeling a mix of emotions swirling within me. Slowly, I leaned against the sink, my legs feeling weak.

Keisha offered a reassuring smile and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Why don't we go to the hospital and get a proper test done? That way, you'll have a definite answer."

I nodded, realizing that facing the truth head-on was the only way forward. "Okay, let's do that."

As we left the bathroom, my mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. Denial was still there, but it wasn’t something I could avoid forever.

There was no way I would believe that I was pregnant because of a pregnancy stick. Those things were inaccurate, so it had to be a mistake.

That was what I kept telling myself even as I sat in the doctor's office, my mind a mix of anxiety and denial, waiting for the results.

I had gone with Keisha to the hospital to take a proper test, and the doctor had been kind, assuring us that we would receive the result after a couple of hours.

We were seated on the edge of our seats, waiting with bated breath as the doctor unfolded the report.

The atmosphere in the room felt tense, the seconds ticking by like hours. The doctor's gaze moved over the paper, and then she turned to look at us with a warm smile. "Congratulations, you're pregnant."

The words hung in the air, a weighty acknowledgment of a reality I had tried hard to deny. I looked at Keisha, our eyes meeting, and in that moment, the world seemed to tilt on its axis. It was as if time had momentarily frozen.

"Congratulations," the doctor had said.


Chapter 24


I had been on edge, watching for any signs of my uncle's retaliation. Surprisingly, he appeared to be lying low for now.

According to Leo, the police had interrogated the arrested men but gleaned no useful information from them. On a brighter note, most trafficked women had been located and rescued – a relief amidst the tension.

With things settling down, I felt it was finally time to return to the company. It had been a whirlwind due to the investigation, and I hoped to catch up with Sophia.

I needed to discuss things with her, but the chaos had kept me occupied.
