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I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "I've been looking for you," I began. "You haven't been to the company for days, and nobody seemed to know where you were. I was worried."

Sophia scoffed, her disbelief evident. "You were worried?" She raised an eyebrow. "Funny because I've been wondering where you've been all this time, Matteo."

I sighed, feeling the tension in the room building. "I told you I had something important to take care of. But that's not the point right now. Why haven't you been coming to work?"

Sophia's expression hardened, and her voice turned defensive. "I'm not coming back to work, Matteo."

Confusion and irritation washed over me. "What? Why? We can discuss this, but you can't quit like that."

Our conversation quickly escalated into an argument. We exchanged heated words, frustration, and hurt feelings bubbling to the surface.

During our emotional exchange, as Sophia's anger seemed to reach its peak, she blurted out something that brought the argument to an abrupt halt.

"I can't come back to work, Matteo," she said, her voice breaking slightly. " Because I'm fucking pregnant."

The room fell into stunned silence as her words hung in the air, the weight of their implications sinking in for both of us.


Chapter 25


Matteo's exclamation of "What?" reverberated in the air, and in that split second, I wished I could retract those words. I hadn't meant to blurt it out like that.

His face turned into a canvas of expressions – shock, confusion, and sheer bewilderment. It was as if I had just dropped a bombshell, which, I guess, in a way, I had.

There was no escaping this now; the truth hung between us like a weighty secret.

"Repeat what you just said," he demanded, his voice a mix of urgency and disbelief.

I took a deep breath, realizing there was no point in dancing around it now. The cat was out of the bag, and there was no shoving it back in.

"I'm pregnant," I reiterated, my voice a blend of vulnerability and a strange resolve.

But even as I said the words, there was an odd sensation – like time had momentarily paused. Seeing Matteo in Keisha's living room after our heated argument seconds ago was surreal.

How had he even tracked me down? That question hung in my mind like a cloud.

Since I had confirmed that I was pregnant, coupled with Matteo’s continuous absence, I stopped working. It wasn’t that I wasn’t going to work at all, but I didn’t want to work for Matteo anymore.

Since then, I had stayed with Keisha, not wanting to be alone. However, I never expected Matteo to come looking for me.

"How did you find me?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me. I wanted to understand how he had managed to locate me so unexpectedly.

There was no immediate response. Instead, he stepped closer, his gaze locked onto me with a mix of emotions – almost a sort of awe that I couldn't quite decipher.

It was his next words that cut through the thick air between us.

"Wow," slipped out of Matteo's mouth as if he couldn't quite contain his surprise. His features danced between awe and bewilderment, and he looked at me like I was some enigma he was struggling to comprehend.

I couldn't blame him for his astonishment; it was much to take in. It wasn't exactly how I had imagined revealing this news to him, but there was no turning back now.

"How...?" he started, his voice trailing off, clearly grappling for words. “We used protection, so how?"

I shrugged, feeling a mixture of exasperation and helplessness. "Condoms aren't foolproof, Matteo."

His next question caught me off guard, and a hint of annoyance crept into my expression. "Is it mine?" he asked.
