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As we continued our tour, exploring the elegant dining room, the modern kitchen, and the various sitting areas, Sophia’s surprise gradually gave way to a sense of appreciation for the house's beauty and comfort.

"I can't believe I'm going to be living here," she said, her tone tinged with disbelief.

I placed a hand on her shoulder, a warm smile on my face. "Welcome home, Sophia."

We spent some more time wandering through the halls, with me sharing stories about the house's history and its significance to my family.

I recounted how it had been passed down through generations, each leaving its mark on architecture and design.

Sophia seemed genuinely interested, asking questions and marveling at the family heirlooms displayed with care.

After a while, my phone buzzed, and I excused myself briefly. One of my subordinates had messaged, informing me that someone was at the gate.

My heart sank as I read the message: it was Francisco. I turned to Sophia, concerned, and asked if she could stay inside for a moment.

She looked a bit puzzled but nodded, her gaze returning to the paintings on the wall. I made my way to the gate, my thoughts racing.

When I saw Francisco standing there with a smirk, my tension only grew. I approached him, my voice dripping with irritation. "What are you doing here, Francisco?"

He chuckled as if enjoying my discomfort. "Just paying a little visit, Matteo.Sto controllando la mia famiglia (I'm checking on my family)."

I clenched my jaw, my patience wearing thin. "Cut the act. You're not fooling anyone. Stay away from Sophia."

His smirk only widened, and he stepped closer, invading my personal space. "Sophia, huh? She's charming,non è lei (is she not)?"

My voice turned cold and dangerous. "I mean it, Francisco.Mantieni le distanze (Keep your distance)."

He laughed, the sound grating on my nerves. "Do you honestly believe having her move into your fancy mansion will keep her safe from me? Didn’t you think about her before messing up my business?"

My fists tightened at my sides. "She's off-limits, Francisco."

He leaned in, his tone dripping with mockery. "Or what, Matteo?Cosa puoi fare per fermarmi (What can you do to stop me)?"

My restraint was slipping, and I leaned in closer, our faces inches apart. "You have no idea what I'm capable of."

He chuckled again, unfazed by my threat. "Oh, I think I have a pretty good idea. If you think I’ll let you off the hook after ruining my business, then you’re sorely mistaken.Non ti risparmierò (I won't spare you).”

I was about to respond when Sophia's voice called out from behind me, her tone questioning. "Matteo?"

I turned to see her standing there, her expression a mix of concern and curiosity. I took a step back from Francisco, my focus shifting to her. Sophia looked between us, sensing the tension in the air.

"Everything okay?" she asked, her gaze shifting from me to Francisco.

I managed a tight smile, my attention on Sophia. "Yeah, just a minor disagreement."

Francisco chimed in, his tone dripping with faux politeness. "Indeed, just a friendly chat between family."

Sophia raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying his act. "Family, huh?"

I nodded, trying to downplay the situation. "Yeah, something like that."

Francisco chuckled once more, his eyes locked onto Sophia. "Well, I'll be on my way. Lovely seeing you again, Sophia."

He then faced me. “You’ll regret what you did.”

Before I could react, he turned and walked away, leaving me seething with anger.

I turned back to Sophia, frustration evident in my expression. "I'm sorry you had to see that."
