Page 67 of We Three Kings

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Then he’s gone. Balthazar tosses the cell next to us and engulfs me with a huge hug I desperately need. I cling tight to him. At least Balthazar isn’t upset with me. I don’t think I could handle his disappointment.

“Don’t sweat it angel. We just surprised him.”

“I hope so. I really want him to like me.”

“He does because he knows I do.”

I smile into his shoulder. “I like you too.”

“Enough to move in with me?”

Since I’m not ready for that level of commitment yet, I distract him the only way I know how—with my lips on his throat. His groan rumbles in my ear as he stands. His mouth finds mine as we race down the hall. I guess he’s going to show me his bedroom.


The tiny thing Balthazar escorts into my office reminds me of an angel with her dainty features and ethereal smile. The photo he showed me has nothing on her in real life. She’s one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. That’s saying a lot because my wife was incredibly gorgeous too but in a different way.

This girl radiates a dazzling energy I’m absorbing just by being in the same room with her. I felt her vibrancy through the phone when she called with her sweet offer. Now here in front of me, she makes me want to jump to my feet after wanting to sit for so long. Too damn long.

My oldest son brings her directly to me, and when I stand, the size difference between us is almost comical.

“Dad, this is Seraphina.”

With a deep breath, she holds out her small hand and glances up at me with the most wholesome expression I’ve ever experienced. “It’s nice to meet you in person Mr. Wiseman.”

Powerless to resist, I engulf her fingers with mine, needing to feel as much of her velvety skin as possible. I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me.

She’s Balthazar’s girlfriend—the only woman he’s ever brought home, and I’m fucked in the head ruining the introduction with a sensation I can’t describe. “You too Seraphina.”

“Thank you for inviting me to celebrate Thanksgiving with you. I appreciate you including me in your feast.”

Her prepared little speech is adorable, and I wink at her. “He’s told you how much we like to eat.”

A cheerful laugh, light and sweet as honey jolts my body back to finally feeling alive again. Heat radiates through me including my cock, which needs to stand the fuck down.

I should release her.

Instead, I play with fire and caress over her shoulder with my free hand.

She trembles under my palm, and I hate that I’ve scared her. “Don’t be afraid, little one. I’ll never hurt you.”

“Okay, Daddy.”

Coffee-colored eyes widen, and she bites her plump lower lip. “I…I’m…I’m so sorry. I don’t know why I just said that.”

Fuck if I know either. But the endearment thrills me to my tingling balls and hardening dick. “It’s all right. I like it. Always call me that.”


The submissive nature so obvious in her makes me want to protect her as well as see what else she’ll submit to.


I drop my hands to my sides. She steps back bumping into my son who seems just as dumbfounded watching us without a word.

If he’s furious, he doesn’t show his rage. Which is crazy because if she was mine, I’d kill any man who touched her.
