Page 69 of We Three Kings

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“You have a balcony!”

“Yeah, that’s how I snuck out.”

Her bubbly laughter eases some of my tension from her uncertainty. I chase after her when she runs to the French doors and peeks through the glass. We can do better than that. I flip the deadbolt and push down the knob.

When she looks up at me, confirming it’s okay for her to step outside, I cup her pink face and kiss her with gentle intentions until she moans against my lips.

All I can think about is bending her over the railing and fucking her to the point of screaming my name across the yard and into the woods.

I scoop her up and carry her to the bed, tossing her in the middle of the mattress. Strands of coiled hair billow around her cherub face as she bounces, watching me intently. I climb between her legs and balance my weight on my forearms.

The sparkle has returned to her eyes as she giggles up at me. “Did you do this as a teenager too?”

“Nope. I’ve never had a girl in here before.”

Her eyebrows shoot up. “Really?”

The squeak in her question verifies she’s pleased to know how special she is. “You’re the only one. The only one there’ll ever be.”

With uncontained joy, she lifts up to kiss me. I love when she’s brave and makes the first move.

After a few soft pecks, she falls back against the pillow, studying me with an intensity I’m not used to from her. My angel has something on her mind. “What are you thinking about?”

The frown smooths away. “It’s funny because I was nervous about coming today to meet your father but somehow I’m not anymore. I feel really calm and relaxed.”

Thank fuck. “Good because we’ll be spending lots of time here.”

My confirmation earns me another kiss.

“That makes me so happy.” Her eyes flick open to meet mine. “Youmake me so happy.”

Funny how I’ve never considered anythinghappybefore while she finds happiness in everything.

Including me.

Crazy. “Besides happy, are you hungry too?”

She giggles. Caught in my grasp, my cock pulsing against her pussy, her little hands on my cheeks, she laughs without any restraint or reservation.


“Then let’s get you fed.”

Her arms coil around my neck, giving me a tight hug. I’ve never laid in bed with a woman and only hugged, but here we are. Once she releases me, I climb off and hold out my hand assisting her up.

The apprehension from before is gone and she wraps herself around me as we head downstairs.


The housekeeper returns, carrying two trays of hors d’oeuvres that she places on the coffee table. So now I have to sit here eating snacks and drinking booze with our guest as if this is just a simple meal.

Heavy steps punctuated by softer ones sound behind me.

“When does your father put up his Christmas decorations?”

Balthazar chuckles from the charming question. No one’s put up a tree or wreaths or stockings in years. Christmas is all about the money for us.

Until now.
