Page 109 of The Best Laid Plans

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The wariness was gone from her eyes. No trepidation there anymore. Her pupils, blown wide with desire, had my blood thrumming hotly. A constantwhoosh,whoosh,whooshthat filled my ears, blocked out any sort of logical thinking.

Her eyelids fluttered closed, and she let out the tiniest, shakiest exhale. But I heard it.

If she pushed, even a little, I would back away.

When I was alone in the dark and had let myself imagine what it might be like to kiss Charlotte ... it wasn’t like this.

I imagined a furious clashing, an ignition with no buildup, no time to think through why we should or shouldn’t. I imagined shoving hands and frantic tearing of clothes, furniture pushed over and backs braced against walls.

I should have known that we weren’t like that.

We’d test the strength of that want first, making sure it was sound and sure ... and reciprocated.

Her eyes locked unerringly on mine. Underneath her palm, she could probably feel the thudding rhythm of my heart.

Charlotte slid her hand up over my chest until her fingers brushed the back of my neck, tangling in my hair.

She didn’t ask me what else I wanted. She didn’t make some coquettish game from whatever line we were skirting. She simply took one last step, her breasts brushing the front of my chest, and tracedher other hand down the line of my bicep, my arm, until our fingers tangled together.

“Then I think you should take it,” she said.

It was the most straightforward display of desire I’d ever seen, and I had a distinct feeling that what I saw on her face was mirrored in mine.

There were two of us in this, equal participants from the beginning. But only one of us was brave enough to say what they wanted.

Charlotte was brave enough. Every step of the way, she’d met my reserve with a fearless energy.

My hand on her face slid farther back, over the graceful arch of her cheekbone, tangling in her damp hair, tightening in the strands, my thumb tucking underneath her jaw until I could tilt her face up.

Her lips, pink and soft, opened slightly as I leaned in.

For just a moment, I paused there, breathed her in.

My mouth brushed hers. She let out the smallest whisper of want, a shaky breath that I felt in my toes.



Hardly making contact while I tried to find the words that still crowded my throat.

“I want to know what you sound like,” I told her, “when I finally get my first taste.”

Her lips fit in between mine, sweet and soft, and it was only the briefest touch before I slanted my mouth over hers, a devouring kiss of lips and teeth and tongues when I licked into her mouth. Her tongue was hot and wet against mine—and that’s when I got the thing I wanted.

She whimpered into the kiss, a mewling sort of sound with her hand tightening on the back of my head as she rose up on the balls of her feet. My arm wrapped around her waist so I could bring her closer, feel every inch of her against my body.

Her breasts were soft and full, the curve of her waist warm and firm, and the next sound I heard was my own.

It was something born of relief and tugged straight from the darkest part of my lungs. I wanted to breathe her in into that place, fill myself up with her scent, figure out if the way she tasted was something I could bottle to keep and get drunk from.

Her lips pushed and pulled, sliding over mine, our breaths mingling—in and out—when neither one of us pulled away or stopped or slowed. She tilted her head to the side, our kiss deepening as I walked her backward. Her arms twined tight around my neck as she settled her weight onto the counter. She was tall enough that I didn’t have to lift her, and as soon as she had her seat there, she wrapped her legs snugly around my hips.

Our bodies fit together perfectly, in all the places I wanted to touch her the most. If I had all night, I’d never stop finding soft spots of skin that I wanted to suck and lick and bite.

My heart hammered relentlessly, something that sounded a lot like her name, and I shoved past the bigness of it in my head.

I rocked into her, groaning when her nails pricked at the back of my head. Sucking on her bottom lip had her moaning, her back arching.
