Page 40 of Boys of Summer

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“You ready for this?” I ask in a whisper, like we’re getting ready for some big sporting event.

Her eyes light up and her fingers squeeze mine before letting go to grab the bouquet from a vase on the vanity table. “I’ve been ready since the moment I laid eyes on him.” She looks dreamy enough to make me throw up, but I just hug her again one last time.

For a moment, jealousy lances through my chest. Not because of Carson...of course, but I’m jealous of the happiness in her eyes. I want that, too. Maybe someday, I’ll be able to walk down the aisle and… Who would I even be walking to? I’m pretty sure that’s illegal in all states.

“Ladies, it’s time,” says the wedding planner as she peeks her head around the door to the bridal room. Kennedy walks to the door, sending my mom a thumbs up before disappearing to grab a seat.

“You got this,” I tell my mom before making my way out into the hallway.

The others are all lined up in front of a set of double doors, with Luca standing at the very back of the line. He hasn’t turned around yet, but I give myself a moment to trace the hard lines of his back and shoulders. That suit looks fucking delicious. I place my arm through his and he doesn't startle at my presence. Looking down at me, his eyes roam my body from head to toe with a warmth I’ll never get used to seeing.

Leaning in, he whispers in my ear. “You look edible.” His voice is rumbly and low.

Blushing, I squeeze his arm in mine. “Same to you. Let’s get through this so we can sneak off somewhere. You can show me just how well that suit fits.” I wink cheekily as the music starts to play.

* * *

The wedding wasemotional and beautiful. It went off without a hitch. As I sit here at the head table watching their friends dance, toast, and have the time of their lives, I feel genuinely content for the first time in a while.

The banquet hall is lavishly decorated in creams and blush accents. Roses litter the room and the crystal chandeliers sparkle in the low lighting. Soft music plays as some of the older couples dance in the center of the room.

I’ve been steadily ignoring River all night. Of course, Luca and Carson just had to invite him, and it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to ignore his presence, especially given the fact that he’s been staring at me since the moment I stepped out into the aisle. It’s beginning to grate on me. He looks good tonight, too, which makes everything worse.

His dark-blond hair is brushed out and tucked behind his ears and his suit looks freshly pressed, highlighting the golden tan of his skin. His shoulders look broad and his smile wide. He looks too damn delicious in my opinion. I have to remind myself that he’s enemy number one right now. I half expected him to show up with Casey in tow.

Kennedy sits at their table, happily chatting away with Jax, making me smile. Watching my best friend turned boyfriend bond with my new best friend makes me feel like something really good actually came out of all of this. It feels fucking good to surround myself with genuine people who make my life so much brighter than it was this time last year.

Luca isn’t talking as he sits next to me at the head table. He’s glaring at River as he silently sips his drink. Luca’s dark eyes flash and his wristwatch glints softly.

I nudge his arm. “Who killed your puppy?”

His lips tip into a bemused smirk as he turns his head to me. “He’s pissing me off,” he grumbles.

Sighing, I reach under the table and place a hand on Luca’s thigh. He sucks in a breath. “C’mon, let's dance and stop giving him the satisfaction of seeing me squirm.”

Luca frowns, his dark eyes lowering. “You know I can’t dance. And besides, I think all River wants to do is make you squirm…for different reasons.”

I stand and force him out of his chair. “Tough shit, Mr. Musician. You’re dancing tonight whether you like it or not. I didn’t get all dolled up just to stuff my face with mini sandwiches.”

River’s eyes catch mine as we walk by on the way to the dance floor, their clear-green burning right through me, but I look away before he has the chance to ensnare me. We make it into the throng of dancing couples and start to sway.

Luca is so much taller than I am that we almost look comical, but his arms around me feel so good. We spin in slow circles and I have come to realize that despite telling me he doesn’t dance, Luca is actually pretty smooth on his feet.

Laying my head on his shoulder, I turn my head to the side and watch as my mom and Carson twirl around the dance floor. Their faces are close together and their eyes are ensnared—like they’re the only two people who exist in the world. After years of unhappiness with my father before he left, and another decade of loneliness after that, It’s cleansing to see this new smile light up her face. Smiling softly, I turn my face and place a small kiss on Luca’s chest.

He rumbles as he brings his hand up to run it through my waves. “What was that for?”

Tilting my head up, I smile. “I’m just...really glad I have you back,” I whisper.

His brown eyes soften. His palm comes to rest on my cheek. “I never went anywhere, Nora. I’ve been waiting for you for almost a decade, you just took a while to get on board.” His voice is teasing, without a hint of the bitterness that used to be there. It warms my soul.

“I guess you’re right. I’m still sor—”

He lays a finger over my lips, shushing me. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore. What’s done is done and we just need to move on.” My chest deflates and I sigh contentedly. “Baby, look at me,” he prompts.

When I flit my eyes back to his, he smiles down at me. “Just so you know, no matter what happens with you and River or you and Jax, I’m not going anywhere. You’re mine now and there’s no more running away. That goes for both of us. This is new and it’s confusing, but I’m all in. I’m all fucking in, babe.”

His lips touch mine through my smile, but a moment later, a clearing throat bursts our happiness bubble. Reluctantly, I release Luca’s lips to glare at whoever interrupted, but my eyes widen on River.
