Page 42 of Boys of Summer

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“C’mon, these losers can follow us later,” he says, running his hand down my arm until his fingers lace with mine. I don’t even question it as I’m led out of the room and into the hallway.

This whole situation is surreal. It feels like I’m walking through some kind of dream. I’m honestly not even sure when any of them had time to set this up, much less River. The last time we spoke, his eyes had blazed with hurt and anger. We’d said things to each other that would be hard to take back. Still, the way he’s touching me softly, with his green eyes sparkling down at me every time he glances my way, it feels like there’s been a shift. A change of heart. That, and the fact that he and Jax were in the same room without throwing a single punch says more than words ever will.

We take the staircase that I remember leads up to Landy’s apartment above the studio. I’ve been in there once or twice, but there wasn't much to it. Landy hadn’t lived here long, only a few months and every time I went up, her things were still packed away in various cardboard boxes strewn around the three room space.

River pulls a key from his pocket and turns it in the door at the top of the landing. I eye him skeptically. “Where did you get that?” My question is slightly accusing, because I specifically remember placing that very key in my jewelry box on the top of my vanity.

River’s eyes sparkle mischievously. “Jax is at least good for some things,” he teases as he pushes the door open.

I let myself in first, slipping past his body, but when I do, he makes no move to get out of my way. Stopping, I tilt my head up to look him in the eyes. Brushing a hand along my cheekbone, River chews on the inside of his lip almost nervously. “Please keep an open mind, alright?”

Frowning, I turn and push the rest of the way in. When the lights flip on, my jaw once again drops. The room looks nothing like it had the last time I was here. The once barren sitting room now has two huge loveseats and a cozy little chaise lounge in the corner by the window. The walls are painted a neutral violet-tinted gray, but that’s not what has me snapping my eyes to River in question.

Scattered along the walls are framed photographs in black and white. Every single one of them contains either myself, or me and one or two of my guys over the years. I can feel my eyes glossing over as I stalk further into the room. There are photos of my mom and I, of me dancing at my old studio, and even some photos of myself and the rest of the Pembroke kids. Each picture is familiar and I can remember the exact points in time in which they'd been taken. Most of them are selfies that I know were either on my phone or stored on my laptop, so immediately, I realize Jax is behind it. Either that or one of them broke into my room and used my computer. Regardless, It’s such a thoughtful gesture that I just let the tears fall down my cheeks.

Turning around to question River, I pull up short with a small yelp, because he’s as close to me as he can possibly stand without touching me. River towers over my short self, looking into my eyes with a small smile and so much affection I could choke on it. Gone is the anger that’s simmered in those green gems for the last two months. Gone is the sneer that made me feel all jumbled up inside. Back, is the River I grew up with—the kind, funny, flirty goofball I fell in love with at fifteen.

“This place is yours now, baby. We just wanted it tofeellike yours.” He shrugs his shoulders. “We might have also had a little help from your mom, Carson, and Kennedy.”

Raising an eyebrow, I use my palms to swipe at my tears no doubt smearing my makeup all over my cheek. “I, literally, don’t even know what to say.” I laugh as he moves in closer. “I can’t believe you did all this for me before you even knew what answer I’d give you.”

His face sobers, and he swallows thickly. “Even if you turned me away, I would have done anything you asked of me, Nora.

Sucking in a breath, I narrow my eyes at the tall, impossibly-handsome man spilling his heart out to me. “You really do mean it, don't you.”

He tilts his head down and I have to look up just to meet his eyes. “I wouldn’t joke about something like this. I love you. I’ve always loved you and I’m never going to stop. Jax or no Jax, Luca or no Luca. I’ll put up with their dumb asses if it gets me you.”

Slugging him in the shoulder, my face breaks out into a wide smile. “More liketheyhave to put up withyourstubborn ass.”

His green eyes light up. Pressing in, his mouth devours mine, tongue swiping my lips apart as his strong arms wind around my body, pulling us flush together. His kiss is hot and intense, and now that I don’t feel the need to push him away or slap him across the face, I let myself sink into it, enjoying the feel of him in earnest for the first time.

He pulls away, leaving me wanting, but only long enough to scoop me into his arms, wedding style. “I have one more surprise for you.” I let him carry me into the hallway where he kicks open a door, revealing a large master bedroom, complete with a brand new king-sized bed. I recognize my own comforter laying over the top, along with familiar throw pillows.

I squint at River. “How the hell?”

He smiles before pecking my lips quickly. “Jax snuck out early, didn’t you notice? Thought you might feel a little more at home with your own shit here. The movers worked fast, but Jax words faster.”

“You’ve got such a way with words, you know.” I shake my head.

“I’m about to have my way with you,” he quips. Stalking in further, River throws me down onto the bed and I bounce a couple times.

I’m laughing hard now, but I force myself to swallow it when he kicks the door closed and starts to remove his tie. “You’re eager,” I tease.

His eyes darken to a deep-forest-green as he comes closer. His nimble fingers work at the buttons of his dress shirt and my eyes track them the whole time. “I’m gonna fuck you into next week, babe,” he promises. I would have chuckled, but I think he actually means it. “You have no idea how many nights I dreamed about this.”

My belly flutters with nerves and my core pulses with need. I’m practically salivating by now. He’s bare chested when he begins to unbuckle his pants. “Take off your dress,” he commands. I don’t even hesitate. Coming up onto my knees, I peel the dress off, kneeling before him in just my white lace thong and nothing else.

He groans. “Oh, fuck me…” He stalks closer and I get a good long look at his thick cock, hanging heavily between his muscular thighs. My mouth waters. “Turn around,” he says in a throaty, rumbling voice that has my thighs quivering. Again, I do as he says, turning around for him, but still kneeling. My blonde hair drags against my hip bone and I feel a slight tug on the thick strands when River comes up behind me.

His body is flush with my back now as his hands snake around my bare torso. Nimble fingers trace circles around my belly button and his hot mouth trails along my neck. Leaning my head to the side, I allow him to nip at my soft skin all the way down to my shoulder. His fingers sink beneath the edge of my panties, dipping low enough for them to spread me open.

Rubbing at the wetness there, River moans into my ear. “I always knew you’d feel this amazing.” My chest rises and falls heavily at his words. His fingers apply pressure. “I can’t wait to taste you, Nora. I want you to fuck my mouth until you’re screaming, do you hear me?” His fingers hold my chin tightly as he whispers, heat rolling over my earlobe and making me shiver. “I want your face in the pillow while I fuck this pretty pussy.” He cups me gently. “Tell me who this pussy belongs to.”

He moves faster and faster, rubbing me in tight, little circles that have heat blooming in my stomach. My legs are barely holding me up anymore. His other hand comes up my stomach, drifting over my rib cage until he cups my breast in his warm palm, kneading and massaging my puckered flesh. With sure fingers, he pinches my nipple, causing me to moan loudly. I’m not even ashamed of the noise. “I said who does this pussy belong to?!”

“You, River,” I pant as I struggle to catch a breath. “Fuck, I need you inside me…”

Faster and faster, his fingers rub my clit until I’m a mess of a person on this mattress. In a single, swift movement, he dips a couple of digits into my pussy, fucking me with his fingers until the slap of skin is the only sound filling the room aside from my moans. I ride his fingers until fireworks go off behind my eyes. I come around him until he removes his fingers and cups my center in his hot palm. Massaging me there, he waits patiently until I come down from my high.
