Page 12 of Carousel of Souls

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I thought about my own predicament and tried to applyAgwé'ssage wisdom. The words tumbled around in my head, but I just couldn't make them meaningful—not in my case. Not when Austin was the only thing back there waiting for me.

I didn't have any real purpose in this world anymore. I'd lost the marriage I thought would last forever and the love and friendship that Austin used to give me. I lost the father who raised me to love my culture and embrace myself for who I was. And I'd lost myself somewhere along the way, even before the knife plunged into my body.

I'd been dead inside for a long, long time.

"It's your choice, Liam. You get to choose whether you keep living, or die right now. Not many get the kind of choice we have, so please make it carefully. Whatever you choose can't be undone." Again, I glanced at Theodore, and he nodded.

Liam stared and stared into the mirror, and I wondered if he was staring at himself or at his mom, who hovered nearby with desperate tears streaming down her stricken face.

He met my eyes with a sudden determination, rolling his shoulders back and standing tall. "I'm going back, Mori. I..—I don't think I'm done yet."

I nodded slowly, both impressed and fearful of the brave path that Liam was taking. I gave him a small smile, but inside my heart felt heavy with worry.

Agwéstepped forward then, placing a hand on Liam's shoulder. "Remember what I told you," he said, his voice serious and solemn. "Fighting for every breath won't be easy, but don't forget that it will be worth it if you do it right."

I placed my hand on the small of Liam's back and gently guided him toward the mirror. He was breathing heavily, and if he wasn't just a soul, he might have been sweating. In these astral bodies, we could still feel all of those human-like sensations, even if they were only in our heads.

Suddenly, there were arms wrapping around me as Liam pulled me in for a tight hug. I hugged him back, feeling oddly emotional. I'd literally only met this boy a hour ago, give or take, and yet it felt like we'd been friends for an eternity.

He pulled back and smiled at me. "I know you probably don't believe in them, but to me, you'll always be the angel who guided me back." His cheeks reddened as if he were blushing. "Thanks, Mori," he added before twisting away.

Now I really wanted to cry. His words were so sweet, and much wiser than any teenager had any right to be. Liam took a deep breath, and stepped into the mirror.

The glass rippled around him like a pool of liquid silver, absorbing his body instantly. When the ripples subsided, I could see a translucent version of Liam standing over his prone body, staring down at himself with an expression that resembled awe.

Then, with a glance in our direction, even though I knew that this mirror only went one way, Liam knelt down and laid across his body, immediately sinking into it. There was a loud cracking noise, like the sound of thunder, when suddenly time sped up, resuming its normal pace.

Liam's body convulsed as his coach tipped him over. He spat pool water everywhere as he gasped for precious air. All around him, people were cheering, crying, and gasping. Liam's mom sprang forward, pushing people out of the way to get to her son before dropping to her knees. She held him in her shaking arms and sobbed as she stroked his hair, sending up prayers to whatever god she thought was responsible for this miracle.

Then, as soon as it all happened, it all disappeared. In seconds, theveveswent dark, casting the room into shadow.

Itried to feel around for one of the mirrors, hoping to light up some of thevevesagain. I was lost in pitch blackness, and needed to find my way out before I had a meltdown. I may be surrounded by ghosts, but I was still wary of the dark.

Someone snapped their fingers, and in an instant, a glowing orange light filled up the room. I blinked the darkness from my eyes and peered up at Theodore, who was suddenly very, very close to me.Agwéwas nowhere to be seen, and with him, went the smell of the salty sea. All that was left was a smokey, spicy scent that only belonged to the man in front of me.

"See? That's wasn't so bad, now was it?" he asked. An overhead light crackled and blinked. It was nothing more than one of those dangling Edison bulbs that were scattered all around this place. It flickered with a faint buzzing sound. The warm glow of the light bounced off Theodore's face, which was now devoid of the glowing skull.

His eyes were a pale blue color, similar to Lafayette's. I couldn't decide which I found more attractive, the blue, or the pitch, depthless black.

Theodore's fingers brushed against my cheek, sending shivers down my spine. I couldn't tell if it was the coldness of his touch or something else entirely that made me react like this. His hand trailed down to rest on top of mine as he pulled me closer towards him.

"Are you scared?" he whispered in my ear, his breath tickling the nape of my neck. I tried pushing myself away from him but found myself unable to move an inch.

"What did you do toAgwé? Where is Lafayette?" I said instead, trying desperately not to sound weak and vulnerable under Theodore's gaze.

"Lafayette isn't important right now, andAgwéis enjoying the pleasures of my crossroads for the night, thank's to your invitation, " Theodore replied dismissively before prowling towards me as I got free of his grip and backed up.

I felt like prey being stalked by a dangerous predator—one with hungry glowing eyes and teeth that I wouldn't mind feeling all over my skin, sinking into my flesh while I writhed beneath him.

My breath hitched as my back hit a wall that I didn't realize was there. Theodore caged me in against it, so large and powerful, looming over me like a dark god from faerie tales and legends. He didn't look real.

His hand trailed down from where it rested on the wall next to my head, to brush lightly along my collarbone before dipping lower. His fingers danced tantalizingly just above the shallow V-neckline of my sheer dress, making me bite back a moan.

"What do you want from me, Theodore?" I asked breathlessly, knowing full well what his answer would be but feeling compelled to ask anyway.

"I want you," he growled hungrily. Bringing his mouth to mine, he hovered so close that our lips were just barely touching. "Mori, sweet Mori. How you've fucking captivated me."

As much as I wanted to melt in the heat of him, I couldn't ignore the icy fear that had replaced all sense of rationality and logic.To fight or flee...That was always my struggle with Theodore and this time was no different.
