Page 28 of Carousel of Souls

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With my decision in my head, I let my eyes fall closed. Time, which once stood almost perfectly still, suddenly shifted. A tingle of awareness buzzed through me, and I rocked forward, unsteady on my feet. My eyes flew open, and suddenly, the room burst into colorful life. The sound of the city roared through my ears, the curtains waved in the breeze, blood dripped down the wall, and the distant sound of a hyperventilating man came from the hallway.

I stared down at the body on the bed, no longer feeling a single spark of life inside of her. She was me, but also not. It was as if I'd suddenly and forcefully shed my skin and stepped out of it. She was hollow and lifeless, cold and dead.

The word went dark, and some unearthly force tugged on my body until I felt like I was being pulled through ice-cold water. I screamed, but no sound came out. All I could do was let it take me. My bedroom disappeared from around me, and seconds later, I found myself once again standing in front of the tall mirror with the glowingveves.

I stumbled back, my entire body buzzing with energy. Theodore stood in the exact same place he'd stood when I left, but now Bael stood opposite him on the other side of the mirror. They watched me, their eyes scanning me from head to toe.

Bael's lips were wide, and a broad, satisfied grin told me he was relieved and unsurprised at my choice. Theo watched me intensely, his chest rising and falling faster than normal, his grip on his walking stick tight.

"Bienvenue à la maison, mon amour," Bael said, taking a smooth step toward me. "You chose wisely. I'm happy to say that I had complete faith in you."

Still trembling, I managed to smile back, shaking out my arms as if to ground myself and come back to reality, which was ironic given the fact that now I was officially dead and living in purgatory.

"Did I do the right thing?" I asked, eyeing the two men.

"You would not have chosen otherwise," Theo said reassuringly.

I loosed a breath, feeling a bit calmer now. "There's one more thing I want to do, but I'm not sure it's possible," I said, staring at the darkened mirror that now showed only our three reflections. "This is your realm, Theo. I don't want to step on any toes."

Theo stepped toward me, lifting my hand and bringing it to his lips. He kissed my knuckles softly, his black eyes peering into mine deeply. "My realm is yours to explore, my love. You do not need to ask my permission."

My eyes nearly bugged out of my head.My love...I loved the sound of those words on his lips. My whole ghostly body warmed in pleasure. I just hoped Grandma listed to me. Now that I was dead, time was running again, and I hoped she would wait the three days to call the police to come find me. I had something to finish before they could take me away.

I looked in the mirror again and stepped close to the glass, Bael and Theo parting for me, giving me space. I placed my palm on the frame, and thevevesthat surrounded the glass began to glow with violet light. I felt the energy of thevevescoursing through my limbs. It was different than before, when I'd ushered Liam through. This was more potent and all-consuming.

Soon the glass began to ripple and change, our dark reflections dissipating, and in their place, another shape appeared. I recognized the room immediately.

Austin stared at me from the mirror, his face ashen, his eyes bloodshot, and his hands shaking as they clutched the bathroom counter. His dress shirt was splattered with darkening blood, as were his hands, face and blond hair. It was slicked back, as if he'd repeatedly run his fingers through the strands.

"Look at that pathetic fool," Bael spat. There was more venom in his voice than I knew he was capable of. His blue eyes were as dark as the deep ocean, and in them was pure rage. "I want to fuck you while his corpse watches," he growled out.

"I'll gladly hold him down as you peel his eyes from his skull," Theo added. Flicking my gaze between them, I watched as Theodore flexed his fingers on his fancy cane, as if it was taking a lot of willpower to hold himself still. His black eyes were locked onto Austin like a reaper preparing to consume a delicious soul.

I realized I was looking at Austin from the vantage point of my bathroom mirror. He couldn't see me, but I could read every emotion in his eyes. I could practically taste the icy cold tendrils of fear swirling around him. Not that I thought he had any sort of regret for what he'd done. He was only afraid of what this meant for him.

"He was never worthy of you, blue girl," Bael gritted through clenched teeth. "He doesn't deserve the next breath he takes."

A surge of rage rose up inside of me, and my blood began to feel like it was boiling hot. Gritting my teeth, I clenched my fingers into tight fists as my breathing sped up.

This was the man I'd trusted with my life. The man I promised to love for the rest of it. I just never anticipated that he might be the one to put an end to it. He wasn't the man I thought he was. He was a killer. A sadistic abuser who I allowed to hurt me for too long.

My fury was boiling over, and all I wanted to do was let it all out. I gritted my teeth and slammed my fist against the surface of the mirror, my hand disappearing right through it. Austin screamed in terror as he stumbled backward, his reddened eyes widening with fear. I hesitated for a moment, but then stepped forward, walking right into the mirror as if it were an open door.

I emerged on the other side, my mind racing as I took in my surroundings. I stood on the marble counter top as Austin huddled against the far wall of our bathroom, his face twisted in terror and confusion. The room itself was a mess; everything seemed to have been thrown around recklessly.

"What did you do, Austin?" I asked sweetly, taking a step toward him. My steps were light as I hopped off of the countertop, landing on the floor as if I were as light as a feather.

Glancing down at myself, my body wasn't quite corporeal. I could see right through my limbs to the blood smeared on the tile floor. For some reason, that brought a wicked smile to my lips.

He recoiled further into the corner, his eyes darting around as if he could somehow find a way to escape from me. He was cornered, and even if he tried to run, I'd catch him.

"What are you?!" he shouted, scrambling along the wall, heading for the shower. "This isn't fucking possible. You're fucking dead! You stupid bitch, you're supposed to stay dead!" His eyes were wild, and sweat poured from his hairline. "I knew you were a devil whore, Moria. I fucking knew it!"

Devil whore...That was a new one.

Once upon a time those words would have cut me to the core. They would have pierced my heart before sending me into a spiral of self-doubt. I used to let his words matter. I hung on his every word like it was gospel.

"I didn't mean—" he started to say before faltering and shaking his head helplessly. "It wasn't supposed to go like this."
