Page 29 of Carousel of Souls

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With a single step, I lunged forward and grabbed Austin by the throat before lifting him up against the wall. He gasped for air as my fingers dug into his fragile neck. In life, I'd never been physically strong. I was small, slender and passive, but in death, my strength was amplified. Now that my physical body no longer held me hostage, lifting him was easier than breathing.

His mouth hung open in shock as he helplessly stared at me, gaping like a fucking fish. I held him there like a puppet on strings, his feet thrashing as he dangled helplessly.

My smile was wide, and I knew my eyes were wild with bloodlust. I wanted this man to suffer. I wanted him to feel every ounce of pain he inflicted on me, both emotionally, and physically.

I wasted years on this bastard. Scared, alone and screaming inside. But I was done. That Moria was dead and gone now, and in her place was a woman who would never bow at a man's feet again. I'd brought Met Kalfou to his knees. I could do anything.

I used the tip of my finger to carve a bloody, fleshy M into his forehead, sending blood gushing down his pale face as he screamed out in pain. His fingers clawed at my hand that was wrapped around his throat, but I didn't feel a thing. When I was finished, the bright red wound took up his entire forehead like a brand.

M for murderer. M for Moria.

I didn't want to kill him. That would be too easy. He didn't deserve to have such a quick end to it all. He deserved to rot with what he'd done for the rest of his long, long life.

His fear was so palpable it seemed like it filled all four corners of our bathroom; even with my immortal state, I could feel Austin's terror radiating from every pore on his body. That fear tuned his blond hair bright white until he looked like a madman. His skin was ashen, and his eyes were bloodshot, turning milky and sightless in an instant. I had no idea how I was doing this, but it was like I willed it, and it simply happened.

"Nobody will ever believe you," I whispered harshly into his face, letting my cold, ghostly breath wash over his face as he flinched away from me. I laughed as he soiled himself, piss creating a puddle on the bathroom floor, mixing with my blood.

When he was blind, white haired and whimpering, I dropped him hard on the floor. His head cracked against the wall with a satisfying thump.

I was done. This was it. I’d never allow this monster to haunt me ever again. He was trash. He was nothing anymore.

I stepped away from Austin for the last time and walked straight through the bathroom mirror without looking back. I'd left him in the bathroom, a mess of sobs, blood, sweat and fear; one last reminder to himself that he'd fucked with the wrong woman.

In the blink of an eye I was back in the darkened room with the mirror at my back. Bael and Theodore waited for me, their faces alight with the violet glow of theveves.Behind them, to my shock, stood Ellie, Tony, Roy and Rex. They watched in fascination as I came closer, and they were smiling at me. Ellie winked like a proud sister, and the clowns pumped their fists in celebration. My friends. My new family. Happiness beyond comprehension filled my entire soul at the thought of spending the rest of my existence among these souls.

I wrapped my arms tightly around Bael's neck as he placed a kiss on the top of my head. "You did it,mon amour," he said, his voice laced with pride. "And now you'll never leave me." He grabbed my cheeks as he pulled back, his blue eyes flitting between mine. "Say you'll never leave."

"je t'aime, Bael St Claire,"I said against his lips as I kissed him back. "I'll never leave."

He kissed me once, twice, and a third time. "je t'aime, je t'aime, je t'aime, my blue girl."It was a promise, and I believed him.

Bael stepped aside and motioned for Theodore to come closer. He smiled down at me, his pitch black eyes filled with adoration, pride and contentment. The rage that had been simmering inside of him was gone.

He reached up and tenderly swept a strand of hair behind my ear as he took both of my hands in his own and kissed each knuckle softly, one by one. When finished, he said, "Do you trust me, my priestess?" I didn't even hesitate before nodding. Ididtrust him. I trusted him and Bael with my afterlife completely. "Turn around," he said, casting his gaze over my shoulder, a wicked gleam in his eyes.

My breath caught as I frowned in confusion, but I listened, trusting that he had a good reason. When I faced the mirror that once depicted the life I was leaving behind, I gasped and took a hesitant step forward. I blinked repeatedly as if the image reflected back at me would disappear and everything would go back to normal.

But it didn't disappear. Instead, I made my way closer to the mirror with my hand slightly outstretched, my lips curling into a delighted grin, because just under my caramel brown skin, was a glowing violet skull that looked just like Theodore's, and in my mismatched eyes, was a sea of endless stars and galaxies that I held within me.

For the first time in my existence, I was powerful.

I was eternal, and I was utterly infinite.
