Page 68 of Tempt Me Forever

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God, he's handsome.

“Better?” I asked.

“Fuck yes.” He took my hand, kissing the back of it. “Come on, let’s go.”

The neighborhood was eerily quiet, even though it was only dinnertime. He rang the bell, and the door opened a couple of seconds later. A beautiful brunette with a baby in her arms stood in front of it.

“Suze, this is Kimberly,” he introduced us.

“Hi, Kimberly. So great to meet you. And thank you so much for advising Drake on my gift! It’s lovely." She looked between the two of us. "Oh my God, I interrupted a date? Why didn't you say anything, Drake? I would have found another solution."

"We weren't on a date yet," I said, not wanting her to feel guilty, but then confessed, "We were about to go," because I didn't like lying.

“You two, go on your date, and I'll figure something out."

"We’re here. We’re not leaving," Drake insisted.

"Fine. Kimberly, this is Michael," she said, shifting so I could get a better view.

"He’s adorable." The little boy snuggled into his mother’s arms. He was so cute, and I could see a bit of Drake in him—their family genes were strong.

"Are you sure you two want to spend the night babysitting my son?"

"Yes, of course. I love babies," I said.

Suze looked at me with a strange expression but then smiled. "All right, I'm going to leave the house before I change my mind. Drake?"

"I'll take Michael," he said.

Michael was asleep. He was tiny and adorable, and my ovaries were jumping up and down in joy. When Drake took him from Suze, Michael gave a little sigh as he nestled his head against Drake’s enormous bicep.

Oh my God.My ovaries weren't just jumping up and down anymore. They wanted to jump Drake.

"Kimberly, I’ll take you out for coffee as a thank-you whenever I get my shit together, which will be sometime in the next ten years, okay? I owe you."

I waved her off. "No, you don't. Go kick ass. Do whatever you have to do."

"Thank you." She kissed Michael's head and then Drake's cheek before heading out the door, closing it behind her.

I couldn't take my eyes off Drake. He was a mountain of a man, and I couldn't believe how much tenderness there was in the way he held Michael. He looked at Michael like the baby was his prince.

When I took off my coat, Drake asked, "Can you hold him for a bit so I can take off mine?"


"You really like babies."

"Why do you sound so surprised? I told you I’m a baby hugger at our family gatherings."

As carefully as possible, he deposited Michael in my arms. He looked every bit as regretful as I felt whenever I had to hand over my nieces. What was it about babies that made it so hard to give them away?

"Careful with his head."

"I know." I gently held him to me. He gave another one of those delicious baby sighs.

As Drake took off his coat, I looked at him and said, "Don't think I'm going to give him back."

He laughed, then smiled widely. "You're serious, aren't you?"
