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“God, yes,” I blurted.

“I felt bad for taking advantage ofyouafteryou’dbeen drinking,” she drawled out.

“Uhm, what?”

She nodded. “Yep.”

“You….” I shook my head. “You thought thatyouhad taken advantage ofme?”

“I knew that you never would have slept with me if you hadn’t been drinking, so, yeah.” She shrugged like this wasn’t embarrassing as fuck for the both of us. “I know that it doesn’t take much for guys, so I felt bad about…throwing myself at you like that.”

“Throwing yourself at me?”

Alexandria nodded again. “What else would you call it?”

I dropped my head, running my hands through my hair again. “God, we’re fucking stupid.”

She let out a choked laugh. “What do you mean?”

I looked back over at her. “Alexandria, you didnottake advantage of me Friday night.”

“Of course, I did,” she scoffed. “We both know that you don’t think of me like that, Hunter.”

I eyed her. “Alexandria, you’ve known me for a long time,” I reminded her. “When have I ever done anything that I hadn’t wanted to.”

She gnawed on her lower lip. “Well, I mean…never that I’ve ever seen.”

“Exactly, baby.”



Now, while this wasn’t the first time that Hunter had called me baby, this was the first time that it felt different. We weren’t talking as friends, we weren’t drinking, nor were we having a good time, surrounded by friends. So, I could only assume that he’d used the endearment as meaning something.

“What do you mean?” No matter what was running through my head, I needed clarification.

“Alex, I slept with you because Iwantedto,” he said, my chest tightening. “I didn’t sleep with you because we were drunk, or I was horny, or because you were available.” His hand landed on my thigh, and I could feel it burning right through the fabric of my jeans. “I slept with you because I’ve been wanting to sleep with you for a while now.”

“You have?” I asked, my voice sounding like it belonged to someone else.

Hunter shook his head as he ran his other hand through his hair again. “Christ, I keep fucking this up,” he muttered.

“What are you fucking up?”

He let out a heavy sigh. “I didn’t mean that I wanted to sleep with you,” he corrected, and when I opened my mouth to express my confusion, Hunter put his hand up to stop me. “Saying that implies that I only want to sleep with you, Alexandria, and that’s not true.” My heart started beating hard in my chest again. “What I meant to say was that I like you. I’ve liked you for a while now.”

When I was finally able to find my voice, I asked, “You like me?”

Hunter nodded. “Yeah, and not as just a friend.”

I took my top lip in between my teeth, thinking about my next words. If Hunter had said these words to me two days ago, I’d be over the moon with all that new-love novelty. If we would have just had this conversation a couple of days ago, stress wouldn’t be making me miss my period. There were so many damn ‘what ifs’ where Hunter was concerned that I wasn’t sure whether to be happy that he returned my feelings or to feel remorseful because I might actually be freakin’ pregnant.

“Alexandria, say something,” he prodded.

“I’m not sure what to say,” I admitted. “I just spent the last week thinking that I had damn near sexually assaulted you with my virginity, and now…” I let out a deep sigh. “I feel relieved, but seriously stupid at the same time.”

Hunter grinned, and my entire body flashed with heat.
