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“Three,” I informed her. “I took three, and they all came out positive, and they’re all stuffed in my purse like they’re stolen gems I took from the Mafia.” Kenzlee smothered a laugh. “This is not funny, Kenz.”

“No, of course,” she replied softly. “I just…I can see you freaking out, Alex.”

“Hell yeah, I’m freaking out,” I squawked. “I’mpregnant, Kenzlee. I’m pregnant with Hunter Finley’s baby. I’m about to ruin both our lives with this, so I think that I have the right to freak out.”

“Hey, I know it’s scary, but a baby doesn’t necessarily mean your life’s ruination, Alex,” she said. “You know that we’ll all be here to help you with whatever you’re going to need.”

I sighed again. “I know that, but what about Hunter?”

“What about him?”

“Kenzlee, you and I both know that Hunter Finley will insist on doing the right thing.”

“And that’s abadthing?”

“It is if he’s only going to be with me for the baby,” I replied.

“But…he’s already with you, Alex,” she pointed out.

I could feel my eyes well up again. “Yeah, but it’s one thing to be with me because he wants to see where dating me might go, and it’s quite another to feel like he can never break up with me because he got me pregnant,” I clarified. “I don’t want there to be this…this constant doubt about his commitment to me. No one wants to be with someone because they feel obligated to be.”

“I think you’re short-changing Hunter,” she said. “Even though we’re all young, Hunter’s not flighty, Alex. He’s not the type of guy that doesn’t know what he wants.”

I snorted. “Mothers-to-be aren’t as sexy as young coeds, Kenz.”

“C’mon, Alex,” she murmured. “That’s not fair. Don’t let your insecurities make Hunter out to be something that he’s not.”

“That’s the thing, Kenz,” I told her. “I used to never have insecurities until Hunter. I used to be confident, strong, outgoing, and personable.” I shook my head, though she couldn’t see me. “I have no idea where this new Alexandria came from.”

“The old Alex is still there,” she said supportively. “I just think that she’s got a lot going on right now.”

I wasn’t so sure about that, but even if I was in the middle of an identity crisis, I still had bigger issues to deal with at the moment. “How do I tell him, Kenzlee?”

“You just tell him, Alex,” she answered. “The reality exists, no matter how you try to phrase the words. In the end, Hunter’s not going to care about your delivery of the news. All Hunter is going to care about is that you’re pregnant with his kid.”

“How did I fuck things up so badly, Kenz?”

“Do you need me to get pregnant, so that we can do this together?”

Just when I thought it impossible, I laughed. “Could you?”

“I’ll tell Talon to get right on it,” she chuckled, and that just made my eyes well up again.



“I’m about to lose my motherfucking mind,” I said, not being able to take it anymore.

“Calm down-”

“Look, Pot or Kettle or whichever you prefer, do not tell me to calm down,” I bit out.

Talon just chuckled as he said, “I’m just not sure exactly what you’re pissed off about. You said that she didn’t argue about you being her boyfriend at work yesterday, so…what am I missing here, Hunter?”

After I had pissed a circle all over Alexandria at work yesterday, I’d gone to confess my sins to Jersey, and the crazy woman had thrown me for a loop when she had just laughed it off. As seriously as she took her shop, I’d been certain that she would fire me. Instead, she’d gone on to suggest that I put a ring on Alexandria’s finger if she was driving me crazy enough to risk a job for her. When I’d looked pointedly at her ringless finger, Jersey had flipped me off, then had gone about her business.

Jersey Montague was definitely a weird one.
