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“Well, in all fairness, there’s no way that you’d be okay with Edie dating, Tal,” I pointed out.

“While that’s true, I can’t keep Edie six-years-old in my mind forever,” he sighed. “Besides, I’d rather have her start dating now while Lars is there to keep an eye on things than make her wait until she’s in college with no one watching her back. My sister might be smarter than Einstein, but I could see some asshole getting over on her in college because she had no experience with dating.”

“I didn’t think about that,” I muttered. “You’ve got a point.”

“Besides, if anyone can handle her, it’s Lars,” he went on. “Plus, even though Lars is known for fucking his way through Lakeside High, everyone knows that he can still fight with the best of them. Any guy asking Edie out would be stupid to screw her over with Lars waiting in the background.”

“Not to mention that we’d be making a visit back home really quickly,” I huffed.

“There’s also that,” Talon agreed.

“Okay, I gotta get back to work,” I announced. “Thanks for the advice, Tal.”

“Anytime,” he replied easily. “Just remember that this is new for Alex, too. Yeah, she might be a bit of a spitfire, but you’re the first guy that she’s ever slept with, Hunter. Sometimes, girls need to process that shit before they realize it’s going to be okay.”

“I’m theonlyguy that she’ll be sleeping with, Talon,” I corrected.

“Then it’s even more important to let her process that at her own pace,” he said. “No matter what, you’re asking Alexandria to get rather serious at a very young age, Hunter. That’s a big deal.”

“Need I remind you that you’re engaged,” I deadpanned.

“That just means that I know what I’m talking about,” he shot back good-naturedly.

Glancing at my watch again, I said, “Okay, gotta go.”

“Good luck,” Talon replied, and I was pretty sure that I was going to need it at this rate.

Chapter 20

The confessions that we didn’t see coming.


So, while Talon’s words had sounded reasonable, mature, and positive, Alexandria texting me one-word answers last night had pissed me off all over again, and I was so done with her bullshit. She could not want me all that she wanted, but she was going to have to say it to my face.

Knowing her schedule as well as I knew my own, I knew that she had an hour between classes right now, and I also knew that she had a weakness for the croissants at the deli down the corner from campus and would try to sneak in a breakfast snack before her next class. So, armed with that information, I was leaning up against her car, waiting on her, prepared to miss my second morning class.

I waited patiently as Alexandria made her way towards her car, and when she finally spotted me, her feet tripped a bit, but she wasn’t turning around to run the other way, which was something.

As soon as she was standing in front of me, I asked, “What the fuck is your problem, Alexandria?” She started chewing on her bottom lip, but I ignored that before my dick got hard. “What’s with the hot and cold? I thought we cleared that shit up las-”

“I’m pregnant,” she blurted out, and it was like my eardrums vibrated with unfamiliar sounds.

I stared down at her, my mind kick-starting again, wondering how that was possible. I mean, I knew how it could be possible, but what were the odds that she’d get pregnant our first night together? Outside of Lifetime movies, did that shit really happen? Biology aside, who got pregnant on the very night that they lost their virginity? Plus, how could she possibly know that only a week later?

Finally finding my voice, I said, “Explain it to me, because it’s…it’s only been a week, Alex.”

Her face fell, and I’d never felt like a bigger asshole in all my life. “I’m not lying, Hunter,” she whispered quietly.

I wanted to kick my own ass.

“Baby, I’m not calling you a liar,” I quickly assured her. “I just…how can you know so soon?”

“I was supposed to start my period last week,” she explained. “I’ve always been regular, and…and I hadn’t given any thought to how I’d been ovulating that…that first night together when we didn’t use…we didn’t use anything.”

“Is that why you’ve been acting weird all this time?”

Alexandria nodded. “I…at first, it really was because I thought that I had taken advantage of you. However, when…when my period didn’t come, I started to panic.”
