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“So, Danny Mason is already asking about you.”

I turned to look at Calliope smiling over at me. “What?”

She glanced at the muffin that I’d just plucked out of the vending machine, then grimaced a bit. “I have no idea how you stay so slim and petite eating shit like that.”

“Genetics,” I replied dryly. “My mom’s petite, too.”

“Lucky you,” she sighed, but not in a catty way.

Moving on from the topic of vending machine food, I asked, “So, what were you saying about Danny Mason?”

“Well, at least you’re pairing the muffin with water,” she remarked casually. “Water is healthy.”

“Can we forget the muffin for a second?” I asked. “What were you saying about Danny Mason?”

Calliope shook her head, snapping herself out of her runaway opinions. “Oh, yeah…no. Yeah, I overheard Danny Mason talking to Trae Holden, and he was asking about you.”

I started making my way back to my locker, Calliope following next to me. “Why would he be asking Trae Holden about me? Trae and I aren’t even friends.”

She snorted. “He was asking Trae if Trae thought that Talon would make the trip back home to kick his ass if he asked you out.”

“That’s ridiculous,” I huffed.

“Ridiculous or not, that’s what they were talking about.”

Curiosity got the better of me. “What did Trae say?”

Calliope gave me a sly look. “He reminded Danny that Lars Finley still went to school here and that Talon wouldn’t need to make the trip back home because Lars would kick his ass before it got that far.”

“Lars is not my babysitter,” I muttered. “It’s also none of his business if I decide that I want to start dating.”

“Well, Danny Mason is hot,” she pointed out. “You could do a lot worse than a guy that looks like you can bounce a quarter off his ass.”

Despite the embarrassing topic, I laughed. “Really, Calliope?”

She grinned. “Oh, c’mon. You can’t tell me that Danny Mason isn’t gorgeous. Plus, not only is he gorgeous, but he plays basketball.” She shrugged. “Athletes are sexy.”

Even if I were interested in messing around with Danny Mason, Calliope and I just weren’t that close for me to share all my secrets with her. Now, had Kenzlee or Alexandria still been here, I would have run to them first with this information, asking for their opinions. Of course, had Kenzlee or Alexandria still been here, then that would mean that Talon would also be here, so there’d be no need to talk to the girls about any guys. Even though I wasn’t big on sleeping around, there was no arguing that I was still a virgin because Talon was insanely protective.

Granted, I could always call Kenz or Alex, but it wasn’t the same as having them here with me. I also wasn’t going to speak to Lars about Danny Mason or any other guy. Even though it wasn’t his job to babysit me, Calliope wasn’t far off about Lars. I could see him feeling like he owed it to Talon to look out for me, and I didn’t need that kind of hovering in my life anymore. Now, while I wasn’t ready to just fling my virginity at the first guy that looked my way, I was eighteen and had never even kissed a guy. Though a few had expressed interest in the past, a kiss from me wasn’t worth them losing all their teeth for. Talon’s reputation had been a vicious one and still was.

“I’m not saying that Danny Mason isn’t hot or whatever,” I clarified. “I’m just saying that school just started, and I’m not about to lose my head over the first guy that shows some interest in me.”

“You’re no fun, Edie,” she sighed.

“You try having Talon Draven as your brother,” I drawled out, happy to finally reach my locker.

“That’s a fair point.”

“Look, if Danny Mason or any other guy wants to talk to me, I’m fine with that,” I said, relenting a little. “But I don’t want any of it to become this…big deal.”

Calliope’s face softened a bit. “But itisa big deal, Edie. You’re a very beautiful girl, and guys have been waiting years to be able to ask you out.”

I sighed. “That’s very sweet of you to say, but I’m sure the guys of Lakeside High have way better things to do than wonder about me.”

“That’s debatable,” she muttered, making me laugh.
