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When the front door opened, I quickly turned around in my seat to see Mom making her way into the kitchen, and though always beautiful, she looked tired. As I watched her face light up at noticing me, it hurt my heart that she hadn’t ever moved on from my father. She had put her life on hold to make sure that Talon and I had been taken care of, and she really did deserve something for herself.

“What are you still doing up?” she asked as she placed her purse on the table.

“I was hoping that we could talk,” I said, hating that she was tired.

Her brows furrowed a bit. “Are you okay? Is Talon okay?”

I nodded. “No, we’re good,” I assured her. “It’s nothing like that.”

Mom’s face softened as she took a seat next to me. “Okay, so tell me what’s going on.”

“I lost my virginity tonight,” I blurted out, and her eyes widened.

After a painfully long second, she said, “I…I wasn’t aware that you had a boyfriend.”

My shoulders sagged. “I didn’t.”

“But…but you do now?” she asked tentatively, already sensing that I was going to bolt from embarrassment.

“Yeah, I do,” I muttered.

Mom placed a hand on my knee. “Why do you sound unhappy about it, Edie?”

“I’m not unhappy,” I denied. “I just…I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do now. I mean, now that I’m not feeling…hypnotized by…by everything, I…I just…Mom, is Talon going to hate me?”

“Oh, honey,” she rushed out. “Your brother loves you to pieces, Edie. You could kill The Pope, and Talon still wouldn’t think less of you.”

“I just…suddenly, it feels so complicated,” I muttered lamely.

Now, while I didn’t regret Lars, and while I really wanted this thing between us to work out, the severity of what I’d just done was bubbling up to the surface. I felt like Talon should know, but I also didn’t want to let him down.

“That’s because this is a big deal, Edie,” she said kindly. “Even if virginity isn’t valued like it used to be, the experience is still profound enough to change you a little.”

“While I don’t regret it, I still feel like I need to take a deep breath, if that makes sense.”

Mom nodded understandingly. “It does.”

After moment of silence, I said, “I finally understand how girls can mistake passion for love.”

Her face softened again. “Yeah, it’s easy to confuse the two if the sex is good.”

“Yeah,” I muttered, not necessarily doubting my feelings for Lars, but still very aware of how I’d fallen in love with my first kiss.

“So, are you going to tell me anything about this boyfriend of yours?” Mom asked, nudging my knee with hers, and I really appreciated how she had chosen to support me over lecturing me.

Letting out a shaky breath, I said, “It’s Lars.”

She balked. “LarsFinley?”

I nodded. “Lars Finley.”

“Jesus Christ, Edie,” she swore, shocked. “How…when…since when have you been dating Lars Finley?”

“I know it’s a shock-”

“Christ, does Talon know?”

I immediately started shaking my head. “No.”
