Page 15 of The Scout

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“He’s my ride. My mom had to leave,” Jimmy said.

I almost told him that I’d drive him home, but instead, I nodded.

“Can you sign this for me?”

“Be happy to.” I scribbled my name on his jersey.

“This is great. Thank you.”

“I’d like to speak to your parents.”

His eyes widened.

“Do you think I could stop by your house?” I asked.

“Are you kidding? Of course. This is amazing. Wow. Thank you, Mr. Jameson. I mean Cash. I live at five twenty Oak Hill Road. It’s around the corner from the old white barn. Do you know where that is?”

Images of Hannah and me stealing time behind the silo popped into my head. “Yes, I know where it is. You better hurry before your ride leaves. I’ll see you soon.”

“Wow. I can’t believe this.”

“Catch you later.” He took the same route his friend did, and as soon as he cleared the fence, I shouted, “Hey, Jimmy, what’s your last name?”

“Hall!” he shouted back before running toward the lot.

Hall?The only thing I could think was that maybe it was a cousin of Hannah’s. Or maybe a different family with the same name. It wasn’t an uncommon one. All I knew was I couldn’t wait to find out.

After I did a few short interviews with the press that attended the game, I went to my rental, took a quick shower, and grabbed my tablet, which had a generic contract saved to it. Rather than drive, I walked around the block to Jimmy’s house.

Cute place. Similar to mine on the outside, except the flower boxes actually had flowers in them, the shrubs were nicely trimmed, and the swing on the porch reminded me of the one that Hannah’s grandmother had. Wait ... this was her grandmother’s house.

Clearing my head, I ran my hand through my damp hair before stepping onto the front porch. The floor creaked under my feet, and a memory of kissing Hannah good night on this very spot popped into my mind. Glancing at the swing, I remembered how she’d stretch her legs over my thighs. Her toenails were always painted fun colors. I’d been here many times before.Maybe Jimmy was related to Hannah.I rapped my knuckles on the door and waited.

I knew because of Jimmy’s age, I’d need to tread gently. The kid was younger than anyone I’d ever considered talking to, but there was something about him. I saw it last night, and he proved it today. The kid was a natural.

“Coming!” a female voice said before the door swung open, and my lungs were no longer able to accept air.

Wide, beautiful chocolate-brown eyes, chestnut hair pulled back into a ponytail, reminding me of when I used to play with it any chance I could, and lips that no man would ever forget all rendered me stupid.

On autopilot, my eyes roamed up and down her body. When I’d spotted her in the stands, she’d turned so quickly that I couldn’t see more than her shoulders and her profile, but even in loose-fitting jeans and a T-shirt, Hannah Hall had curves that proved she was no longer a teenager but a gorgeous woman.

We stood there staring at each other. “Hello, Hannah. You look as beautiful as ever.”

“Cash? What are you doing here?”

The sound of footsteps bounding downstairs had Hannah turning around. Jimmy’s longish hair was wet. Droplets of water dotted his red T-shirt. “Mom, sorry, I jumped in the shower when you weren’t home. I tried to hurry so I could tell you, but—”

“Mom?” I asked, dumbfounded. Hannah’s chest rose and fell as her hand disappeared around Jimmy’s back. “He’s your son?”

The young kid chuckled at the way his mother and I stared at each other.

“Come in, Cash.” Jimmy stepped around his mom, giving her a curious look, before pulling the door open wider.

I stepped over the threshold and looked at the two of them, the pieces starting to fall into place.

Fourteen years old.I didn’t need to do quick math in my head. Hannah and I hadn’t been together for almost fifteen years.Great baseball player.My mouth dried as I stared at the young kid with dirty-blond hair and crystal-blue eyes similar to mine.He couldn’t be, or else I’d know. Hannah would tell me.But her pretty brown eyes were now etched with worry. It was true. He was mine.No way.

There was no other explanation. He wasn’t just any Hall. He was Hannah Hall’s son ... our son, and she kept him from me. In an instant, the joy I felt at finding a new prospect morphed into something completely different: shock, love for a kid I didn’t know, confusion, and hurt. Sweet Hannah had a secret that she’d also kept from her son, who clearly adored her.
