Page 37 of The Scout

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The prettiest brown eyes met mine. Her chest rose and fell, and the small swell of her cleavage tempted me. She licked her lips, the thin sheet covering us shifted, and her hand wrapped around my hard dick.

As a seventeen-year-old who hadn’t had sex yet, it almost caused a mess in my shorts. Instead, I groaned. She smiled and answered my unasked question. “I’m ready.”

She was ready. “Are you sure?”


Our lips softly touched.Slow, I kept telling myself. Despite the wild beating in both our chests, we were unhurried. Maybe that was because we were nervous, but whatever the reason, it tested my resolve. Once we were void of all clothes, I worshipped her body as much as I knew how to and kissed her all over.

Hannah reached behind her, grabbed a condom out of a brand-new box I told her I had bought after the game, and handed it to me. She spread her legs, allowing me to rest between them, my forearms supporting my weight as I hovered over her.

When my girl smiled, I gently slid home—and met the euphoria that was Hannah.

Rather than let my skin prune or turn back into that horny teenager, I quickly washed up, dried off, and got on with my day.

I couldn’t imagine how Hannah felt this morning. Seeing her standing in the window, although I’d love to think that it was about me, I knew it had to be about Jimmy. Waking up without him in the house had to be tough. They had a routine, and today that changed. I knew what it was like to have a sudden change in familiarity. It could screw up the entire day.

After my injury, I felt lost. For years my days were the same: sleep, work out, eat, play baseball, eat, sleep. Naturally, I’d toss in fun every now and again, but the glamorous life that most people thought professional athletes had was mythical. I knew some guys went out of their way to have fun, which I enjoyed as much as the next guy, but work came first.

I sat on the sofa, grabbed my phone, and decided to get the ball rolling. It was still early in Utah, so I left a voice mail for the Hawks’ GM, Vince Hardy, requesting personal time. He knew that regardless of whether I was working, my eyes and ears were always open. I’d never let an opportunity pass us by. Right now, Jimmy Hall was one of them.

Since Leo was on vacation, I hesitated to call him, but I was anxious for information. I’d make it up to him and give him a bonus on top of his already generous salary.

“Hey, Cash.” His groggy voice told me I’d woken him up.

“Good morning. I’m sorry to bother you while you’re on vacation, but I need a couple of things.”

“It’s okay. I’m back home. Our youngest, Mallory, got sick, so we came home. She’s fine, had an allergic reaction to something she ate.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, but glad she’s all right.”

“Thank you. So what’s up?”

“I’d like you to send me the contact information for this house.”

“Okay. May I ask why? I’ve handled the rental agreement.”

“Because I may want it longer than the three months.”

Leo cleared his throat. “Sorry, I haven’t had coffee yet. You’re staying there? Why? Cash, I really don’t think that’s a good idea.”

There was a lot that needed to get done today, and I didn’t have time to play twenty questions. “Good thing I didn’t ask for your opinion. Send the information. Also, I tried logging on to my email, but the password changed.”

I couldn’t tell you the last time I logged on. Leo always took care of it for me.

“Cash, are you in some sort of trouble?” he asked, sounding as though he’d just slammed an energy drink.

“No, of course not. There are things I need to figure out, and that is where I’m starting. Text me the password.”

“Okay, is that it?”

“No. The box of mail I received when I was a player is in the closet in my home office. I’d like that sent to me.”

“Why? Is there something specific you’re looking for? I can go through everything.” When I didn’t reply, he added, “All right, I’ll do that today.”

“Also, I’m taking some personal time, and I’ve already left Vince a message. I’m not sure when I’ll be back.”

“Cash, this isn’t like you. Are you sure there isn’t something going on that I should know about?”
