Page 45 of The Scout

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Thoughts from the past flashed through my mind. The day my agent, Thomas, introduced me to Leo. How I hired him right then and there, never knowing his loyalty was with my father. The truth had been hidden, shrouded behind a facade, and the revelation pierced my heart like a jagged knife. How could I have been so blind?

First things first, I called Cal and asked if Leo had been there for that box in my closet. Thankfully, and now not surprisingly, he said no. Then I explained the situation and asked if he’d handle it for me, which he said he’d do. I also told him that Leo was no longer employed and I was sending someone to change the locks to my house.

Not long after, I called the man himself and fired him. He barely defended his actions, which spoke volumes. I’d made him a very rich man, only to be lied to. I should sue his ass. Frustrated, I grabbed my keys and headed to the school, but not before sending a text to Hannah.

Hi. I hope you’re having a good day. My morning has been eventful. I told my mom.

Hannah:Oh, wow. And?

She’s thrilled. Wants to video chat with all of us later.

Hannah:Does she hate me?

Not at all. In fact, she thinks you should go out with me Friday night.

Hannah:She does not.

But you should anyway. Remember all the fun we used to have?

Hannah:I’m at work. I should go.

Agree to one date.

Hannah:And if I don’t?

I guess you’ll need to wait and see.

Tiny dots bounced and disappeared a couple of times before she replied.

Hannah:Okay. One date.

Hannah:As friends.

Friends don’t date.

Hannah:You’re ridiculous. Fine. I’ll go out with you.

See you later.

Hannah:Still not a date.

Just like all those years ago, Hannah Hall could make me smile. Now it was my turn to repay that favor.



All week I’ve been getting looks and fielding questions about Jimmy and Cash. Once Jimmy told the team, everyone knew. And by everyone, I meanteveryone.

Welcome to Blossom Berry Falls ... home to where everyone knows everyone’s business.

Naturally, some people claimed to have already known. But I didn’t care about any of that. My only concern was how it all affected Jimmy. We were back in a good place in our mom–son relationship ... which I couldn’t be happier about. Except things were different. For the past fourteen years, I’d been the one with all the answers and advice, but having a celebrity for a parent threw me out of my comfort zone. Thankfully Cash knew how to handle that end of things. It was upsetting to hear how people would attach themselves to him for money or popularity. The thought of that happening to our son didn’t do my anxiety over this situation any favors.

When Cash first told Jimmy what could happen, my sweet son shrugged it off as though he didn’t believe him. That was until five other girls, including a couple of seniors, asked him to go to the jamboree. Of course, he and his buddies thought that was the best thing since the invention of baseball. Meanwhile, I found five gray hairs on my head that weren’t there before.

Then I heard Jimmy ask Cash about condoms, and fifty more instantly sprouted.

It started after practice. Since they were both there, Cash drove Jimmy home, and their conversation that began in the car should have ended there. Except it didn’t. Cash thought it best to finish it in my living room. I wasn’t sure if that had been the best course of action. Especially when I heard him ask Cash about protection right after I’d taken a sip of water, which I ended up choking on.
