Page 47 of The Scout

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He took a small step forward, our bodies almost flush against each other. I wanted to say,But you left for baseball. Except that wasn’t fair of me. It was his future, his passion, and what he wanted to be a career and, in part, still was. Then there was the fact that I agreed it was best for us to take a break.

“Thank you for talking to him.”

“Hannah, tell me you still feel it. The heat between us. Does your heart beat faster when we’re together? Do you think of me when you’re alone? Because I do. I feel it deep in my bones. Even when I was pissed off about the secret you kept, I still felt it.”

I had to think before speaking. Feel it? The more he talked, the more my body pulsed with need. And as far as thinking about him when I was alone? Little did he know our kiss at the reunion ran on a loop in my memory bank.

“I feel ... nervous.”

“It’s me, sweetheart. No need to be nervous.”

I was about to tell him to stop calling me that when the sound of thundering steps had me jumping out of his grasp. Jimmy walked into the kitchen with his duffel bag. “Mom, can you give me a ride to Max’s?” His eyes shifted between us, and much like his father, he smirked.

Would it be ridiculous to state that he was not old enough to drive, so he shouldn’t be thinking about sex? Probably, so I didn’t. I was glad that Cash had told him to wait. Well, sort of told him.

Cash’s phone rang, and he pulled it out of his back pocket. “It’s my mom,” he said. “One second.” He tapped the screen, and the way he held the phone, I knew it was a video call. “Hi, Mom.”

“Hi, honey. Is this a good time?”

He turned, looked at Jimmy, then me. When I nodded, he smiled. “Yes. I’m actually at Hannah’s.”

“Oh, can I talk to her? Is my grandson there?”

On instinct, I strode over to Jimmy and placed my hand on his arm. “Let’s sit down for a minute.”

We all walked over to the sofa, and Cash sat between us. I hadn’t seen his mother in years. She didn’t look much different, except her blonde hair looked more platinum. She was still a very pretty woman.

“Oh, Hannah. It’s so nice to see you.”

“Hi, Mrs. Jameson.”

“Please call me Claire. Hannah, honey, I’m so sorry about what John did. If I had known, things could have been so different. I just feel awful.”

Not wanting her to feel bad since there had been enough of that going around, I smiled as best I could. “It’s not your fault. Would you like to meet your grandson?”

“Oh yes.” Tears filled her eyes when Cash stretched his arm straight out and angled it slightly toward Jimmy. She gasped. “He’s a mini you, Cash, but with Hannah’s nose.” She dabbed her eyes with a tissue. “Hi, Jimmy. It’s so nice to meet you. I’m your grandma Claire.”

“Hi. It’s nice to meet you too.”

I loved how polite he was. And it didn’t go unnoticed since Claire mentioned the same. “Such a nice young man. You remind me a lot of your dad at that age. I understand you’re quite the pitcher.”

Jimmy nodded. “Yeah.” Then surprising all of us, he said, “Maybe you could come to one of my games. If you’re ever in Virginia.”

Claire nodded. “I’d love to. I’ll have your father send me the dates.”

“Will Grandpa be there?”

My heart dropped, and just as Claire shook her head, Cash answered the question. “No, he won’t. Sorry, Mom.”

“Honey, it’s okay. I’m actually not home. I’m in Florida. I needed to get away for a bit. I won’t keep you. I just wanted to call and say hello and meet my grandson.”

“Thanks, Mom. We’ll talk to you later. Love you.”

“Love you all too.”

The call ended, and we just sat there, taking it all in. Had she left her husband?

“She’s pretty,” Jimmy said, breaking the tension.
