Page 63 of The Scout

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“I ... I ...”

He trailed his knuckles down the side of my face. “No need to say anything. I’m going to go now.”

As soon as the door closed, I leaned against it and let out a long breath. “Damn you, Cash Jameson.”



The rhythm of my jump rope matched the beat of the music pumping through my earbuds as I worked out. My breaths were quick and shallow as I bounced lightly on the balls of my feet, my body growing warmer with each passing minute.

Sweat began to bead on my forehead, and I shook it away, only to have more take its place almost instantly. Droplets fell onto the decking below, forming a small puddle that mirrored my exertion.

The jump rope whirred through the air with a soft, whooshing sound, slapping the wooden planks with each rotation. I increased my pace, feeling the burn in my calves and thighs. The music urged me to go harder, to keep pushing. It was like I was in my own world ... until I looked up to find Hannah watching me through the trees.

Not slowing my pace, I continued my workout until the music in my ears began to fade as the playlist came to an end. Stopping, I caught my breath and smiled at Hannah. Unlike the last time, she didn’t wave; just continued to stare.

I removed my earbuds, grabbed a towel, wiped the sweat off my face, grabbed my phone off the small table next to me, and called Hannah.


“Good morning. Why are you up so early on a Saturday?”

“Couldn’t sleep. Plus, it’s laundry day. How do you have so much energy at six thirty a.m.? The sun is barely up.”

“I’m used to it. Plus, working out gets my blood flowing.”

“It’s impressive. Did you need something?”

“Yes, I was wondering if you could help me today. Can you be ready around eleven?”

“What do you need help with?”

“It’s sort of a surprise. Please just say yes. I really need you. It’s nothing dangerous. You can trust me.”

I could practically hear the wheels in her head turning. After a couple of seconds, she said, “Okay. I’ll help you.”

“Great. I need to go shower. I’ll see you in a couple of hours.”

“All right. Don’t make me regret this.”

“I promise.”

Yesterday I called a Realtor, Becky Martin, and set up a couple of appointments to see properties in town. It was important for me to find just the right house, even if I needed to build it or renovate it. There was one property that was high on my list, and it was the farmhouse and barn where Hannah and I would sneak away as kids. When I first came to town, I noticed it looked like it was abandoned, and I was right.

I asked Becky to look into it, and come to find out, the owners, Mr. and Mrs. Polanski, moved ten years ago to be closer to their son in Seattle. They never sold the property, hoping that one of their other children would eventually want it. According to Becky, that wasn’t going to be the case. She contacted them, and they agreed to let her bring a client there.

Right on time, I walked up to Hannah’s door and knocked. Jimmy pulled it open, looking freshly showered. “Hey. Mom said you would be here soon.”

“Hi, yes. I need her opinion on something.” Jimmy nodded, thankfully not asking any questions. “What are you up to today?”

“Meeting Max and a couple of people at the diner.”

When he blushed, I couldn’t help but ask, “Female people?”

A smirk I was all too familiar with crept across his face. “Yeah, maybe.”

“Could it be Jasmine?”
