Page 88 of The Scout

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“No, but that’s okay. I’m here, and we’re a family. That’s why I have something I’d like to talk to both of you about.” Hannah and Jimmy exchanged a quick glance. “Jimmy, I know from your mom that artwork is personal until the artist is willing to share it.”

“Yeah, she gets ticked off when I look at something before it’s done.”

“I don’t getthatupset.” I totally did, but it had been years since I had to worry about it. Most of my art was in my classroom, where everyone saw it.

“Anyway, the other day when I was here, I needed a piece of paper and stumbled upon your sketchpad.”

“Oh. Those are just doodles.”

“Doodles? I hardly think so. To prove my point, I’d like to buy one of those sketches from you.”

“Buy a sketch? Why? Wait, which one?”

Cash got up to go into the living room, grabbed the book off the table, and flipped it open. After returning to his seat, he set it down in the middle of the table.

I couldn’t help but gasp at the gorgeous home. “Wow, sweetheart, that’s incredible. The details on this house are beautiful.”

“I agree. So much, in fact, that’s why I’d like to buy this, then build it.”

Jimmy’s and my jaw slackened at the same time. “You want to build my house? I mean, this house in the sketch?”

“You were right the first time. I’d like to build your house, but have it be for us to live in ... you, your mom, and me. I bought the land with the old farmhouse. After we visited it, I had an inspection done. It would take a lot to bring it to code. I’m going to level it and build this. What do you both think?”

“I think hell yes!” he exclaimed. He looked at me. “Mom, what about you? I know you love this house.”

My two guys looked at me, and I couldn’t help but nod. “I think it sounds like the best idea. And I had a feeling that one day we’d need a bigger home, so I’m going to offer this one to Aunt Mia.”

“Great idea,” Cash said. “So you’re both in?”

“Heck yes we’re in. Team Hall-Jameson.”

I looked at Cash, and he nodded. “I love the sound of that.”

“Honey, there’s one more thing.” I exchanged a look with Cash and winked. He went on to tell Jimmy about the possibility of signing with the Hawks.

“No fucking way!”

“James Arthur Hall!”

“Sorry, but you’re serious? They want me?”

“Yes, but no decision is needed now. Because there are a couple of other things.” Cash wore a shit-eating grin, and I had no idea why. “Along with the report I sent to the Hawks, I also created a reel of your highlights. I hired a sports videographer to capture some of your best plays.”

“You did?” Jimmy and I asked in unison.

“Cash, I had no idea,” I added.

“I didn’t say anything becauseA, I didn’t want you to be nervous during a game, andB, I didn’t want to get anyone’s hopes up.”

“Hopes up about the Hawks?”

He looked at Jimmy with such love in his eyes that my heart swelled in my chest. At the rate it was expanding, I should be cracking a rib at any moment.

“No, colleges. I looked up the top Division 1 colleges and universities for architecture and sent it to their athletic directors. There are quite a few, but they do have one thing in common ... if your grades keep up, they all want to give you a full ride. That’s not a free pass to screw off in class.”

Without hesitation, I flew up out of my chair and hugged Cash. “Thank you!”

Jimmy followed my lead and did the same. “This is the best day.” Then he looked at his dad and shook his head. “Almost the best day.”
