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Mindlessly,I scrolled down on my phone, barely seeing the various items for sale.



The door to my room flew open and Aiden, my BFF, hurried inside. He skid to a stop and grinned. “Did you drop your phone on your face again?”

I rubbed my nose and sat up. “Would you believe me if I said no?”

“No.” He looked around my tiny room, his gaze lingering on the messy piles scattered on every available surface. “I thought you were cleaning your room? It looks like a bomb went off in here.”

“I was, but then I found this.” I motioned to the worn leather jacket at the foot of my bed. “I haven’t seen it inyears.”

“And let me guess, you got distracted and started looking at jackets online. Then you got distracted again and you were looking at…” He tilted his head, a studious look on his face. “…sexy-times stuff?”

“What kind of sexy-times stuff, if you’re so smart?” I tried to glare at him but couldn’t help grinning.

“I’m gonna go with lingerie, but you started by looking at something a little more steampunk. Maybe a harness? Or one of those strappy belt thingies you’re currently obsessed with.”

That was…scarily accurate. “You’re annoying.” I rolled off my bed.

“Not on purpose. I just know you.” True story. After nine years as besties and five of being roomies, Aiden knew me better than I knew myself. “Ready to go?” he asked.

“Now?” I checked the time on my phone. “Shit!”

Chuckling, Aiden leaned against the desk that had been covered with crap since he helped me assemble it back in high school. “I thought you were going to set an alarm?”

“I did.” I tossed my phone on my bed and raced across the room to rummage through a pile of clean clothes I’d neglected to put away. “But I turned it off and forgot about it.” I sniffed a pair of sweatpants then stepped into them.

“Is there an event at work tonight, or is it a regular night?”

“An event. Same as tomorrow. I think tonight is a party of some sort. Birthday, bachelorette, something like that.” The crop top I’d bought last month but hadn’t worn yet caught my attention. I grabbed it then hurried over to my dresser for undies and socks.

“Are you good to get a ride home tonight?”

“Yup.” Hurriedly, I stripped off my “It’s Britney, Bitch” shirt and tossed it into the corner that was currently serving as my hamper.

“What about tomorrow?” he asked as I tugged on my clothes.

“Got it covered.” I didn’t, but that was future Nick’s problem. I shoved my feet into a pair of old sneakers. I didn’t bother dressing up when I was working at the club. I wouldn’t be wearing my clothes long enough for anyone to appreciate my outfit.

“Ready?” he asked.

I shrugged on my newly found jacket and nodded. It was the beginning of June and way too hot for a leather jacket, but whatever. Fashion over function, right?

Aiden pointed at my phone still on my bed.

“Oops.” I tucked it into my pocket. “Now I’m ready.”

In the hall, I closed the door out of habit so he wouldn’t be subjected to my mess. Aiden was a bit of a neat freak and I tried really hard to make sure the common areas of the apartment stayed tidy, but my room was a lost cause.

“Did you eat?” he asked.

“Dammit.” I sighed. I’d meant to, but forgot, again.
