Page 128 of Fakers with Benefits

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“Granny panties? Nah, we’re more manties guys.”

“Ew.” I wrinkled my nose. “Never say that word again.”

“What?Manties?” River needled. “What’s wrong withmanties?”

Kai flinched. “That sounds so wrong.”

Zane climbed onto the stage and slowly came over to us like a jungle cat stalking its prey.

“Come on. Show us the good stuff.” I waved at the pole. “I dare you.”

Zane grinned, but it was his dark,I’m about to fuck shit up and have fun doing it, smirk.

I glanced at the rest of the crew. They were watching us with keen interest. Even Blaze looked invested in what was going to happen next.

“If you insist.” Zane ran his hand through his dark hair, casually pushing the long strands back from his face. “Ready?” He flicked his gaze to River, whose smile was a slightly brighter version of Zane’s and no less terrifying.

“Ready, bro.”

River took two steps toward Zane, planted his food in Zane’s waiting hands, which he was holding out in a cradle, and pushed off.

“Jumping Jehoshaphat!” I stumbled back as Zane launched his brother into the air.

River did a flash kick backflip when he was at the apex of the throw, and managed to catch the pole with his legs, anchoring himself to it in a move that defied both gravity, and reason.

While he hung there with his body parallel to the floor, Zane hurled himself into a moon kick, then right into a B-twist. Somehow, like River, he managed to catch himself on the pole with his legs and laid out in the same position River was still in, only on the opposite side and facing up so they looked like reflections of each other.

The other guys whooped and cheered as the twins did a series of flips and spins on the pole, moving perfectly in sync like always.

For such big and solid guys, they were incredibly flexible and made pole work look easy. Duo work was epically hard, especially on the stage pole because it had a limited amount of height to work with. The twins were within inches of each other with every spin and transition, giving the illusion they could crash at any second, which only heightened the difficulty of the routine.

They ended the short demo in a double handspring pose, and casually flipped off in a modified iguana that I’d never been able to replicate.

“Well, shit.” I dropped down into a theatrical bow. “Long live the pole kings.”

“Pole kings.” River snickered and lifted his hand for a high-five.

“You know that parkour shit gives you an unfair advantage,” I said as the rest of the guys climbed up on the stage. “And the twin thing too.”

“Not our fault you keep forgetting what we’re capable of.” Zane smirked.

“I won’t be making that mistake again.”

“Until next time, at least.” Kai grinned. “Your memory is about as good as your sense of timing.”

“Hey,” I said indignantly. “I was on time today!”

“And was that because of you, or because you got a ride?” Gray slung his arm over my shoulder.

“No comment.”

“Okay!” Blaze, well, blazed. “I hate to be a task master today, but some of us have shit to do after rehearsal.”

“I’m hungry.” River turned to Zane. “Can we get burgers on the way home?”


“Ugh, now I want a burger.” I rubbed my stomach just as it grumbled loudly.
