Page 146 of Fakers with Benefits

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“Did you know Evan was a big fan?”

“Shut the front door. Mr.I only wear custom colognewent through an Axe phase?”

She grinned. “He went through a whole bottle of Recover in less than a year. He loved the stuff.”

I sat with that for a beat. “Thank you for trusting me with this information. I promise I’ll use it for good, and not evil.”

“He’s going to kill me for telling you.”

“I’m gonna kill Vlado fornottelling me. I take it he was aware of this sacrilege?” I fake-gasped. “Was he part of it too? Did he also fall to the dark side?”

“He did.” She giggled. “But he realized the error of his ways when he asked Sarah Milton to go to the movies with him and she had an asthma attack in the car on the way there.”

“I’m weak.” I laughed. “That’s not how you want to make a girl breathless on a date.”

Her phone chimed and she peered at the screen. Her smile fell. “I need to answer this.” She stood. “Take a left at the door, then down the hall and through the arch. It’s the last door on the left.”


Following her directions, I made my way down the hall, through the arch, and to the last door.

I expected to find a bathroom, but instead, the door opened into a bedroom.

A bedroom with a big bed.

Where Malcom and Imogen were in a rathercompromisingposition.

What the actual fuck?

I closed the door as quickly as I’d opened it and slowly backed away.

“Holy shit. Holyshit.”

Lemon face was cheating on Emily with Imogen? Imogen who was supposedly his bestie?

My shock melted into anger. I hated cheaters. Likeha-tedthem. There was never an excuse to be unfaithful to someone. But to cheat on your fiancée weeks before the wedding was peak assholery.

Not only was Malcom cheating on Emily, who was worth a million of him, with his skanky side bitch during her party, they were doing it inherbed. Malcolm might live here, but this was Emily’s house.

How was I supposed to tell her? I hated lemon face with the intensity of a thousand burning suns and he was a giant dickweed to her, but she loved him. This would devastate her.

Evan. I needed Evan.

Wrenching my phone out of my pocket, I opened my text thread with Evan and scurried down the hall.

Nick: where are u??? its an emergency

The click of a door opening caught my attention as I was slipping my phone back in my pocket. The pounding of feet on the hall floor sent a rush of terror through me.

Malcom was racing toward me, his face red and his clothes askew.

“Shit!” I squeaked and tried to pivot toward the arch to get away into the main hall before he caught me.

My shoes looked amazing with my outfit, but they were definitely a fashion over function choice and had almost no grip. The nearly smooth soles slid over the polished floor. Arms windmilling, I managed to stay on my feet, but the lost time was enough for Malcolm to catch up to me.

“Ev—!” I tried to scream, but Malcolm grabbed the back of my shirt and jerked hard enough my collar cut into my throat, effectively silencing me as I tumbled back.

I landed on the hard floor, my ass and elbows smarting from the impact.
