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“Your friend…” I started. “He’s made an interesting career choice.”

Nick’s eyes narrowed. “Really? You’re going to talk shit about Quinn being in porn when you literally picked up a stripper at a private event at a strip club? Hypocrite much?”

“No judgment.” I raised my hands in surrender. “It’s just not every day I have a pornstar in my office.”

“Why am I here?” he asked. “Do you have any idea how confused I’ve been? You show up at my club and toss cash at me like I’m a debt collector. Then you offer me a job with zero info and have me meet you at a deserted building in an office that has nothing in it. This is sketchy as fuck.”

“I realize my methods may have been a bit underhanded. I apologize if I caused you any distress.”

“Distress? I’ve been going crazy for days! Why did you tip me so much?”

“Because you’re incredibly talented.”

“Yeah, I am. But so are the rest of the guys I work with. You weren’t handing them C-notes.”

“I suppose I was trying to get your attention.”

“And what if I hadn’t come up to you afterward? The only reason I did was because I thought you fucked up and you’d come after me to get your money back when you realized how much you gave me.”

“People do that?” I asked incredulously.

“You’d be surprised how entitled people can be when it comes to sex workers. I’ve literally had people make change from the bills in my briefs while they tip me, and one lady cornered me when I was doing my rounds and demanded I give her back what she’d tipped me the week before.” Crossing his arms, he gave me a shrewd look. “You didn’t get a private dance or anything. Didn’t even stick the bills in my undies. You just handed me the cash. Why?”

“Why didn’t I get a lap dance or grope you?”


“Because this isn’t about sex. Getting a dance or touching you in a sexual way would create a power imbalance. I wanted to start things on neutral terms.”

He blinked, confusion clouding his features.

“I asked you here because I have a job offer for you,” I told him, plainly.

“Yeah, you said that.” He sat up straighter. “But what is it?”

“I need someone to pose as my partner.”

“Partner? Like romantic partner?”

“Yes. My boyfriend to be exact.”

“Why would someone like you need to pay someone to pretend to be your boyfriend?”

“Someone like me?” I asked, not bothering to hide my grin at his exasperated expression.

He rolled his eyes and heaved a huge sigh. “Really? You’re fishing for compliments? Fine. You’re hot and rich. If you can’t find someone then there’s no hope for the rest of us.”

“I can find a man. In fact, I find plenty of them.”

Nick smirked. “I bet you do. So why do you need to hire someone?”

“Because thisrelationshipis for a specific purpose, and I need full discretion.”

His glare was back. “Cut the dramatics and fancy words and just tell me what the heck you want.”

“I need someone I can bring to events and introduce as my boyfriend. My father is retiring soon, and he’s put a caveat on my inheritance of his company.”

“What kind of caveat?”
