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The twins were opposites in every way except their looks. They were identical right down to their birthmarks and tattoos. Zane had told me they were mirror twins, which made sense. Zane never let his emotions show unless he was with people he trusted completely. He reminded me of a big jungle cat, like a jaguar or something. Scary as fuck, but only until you got to know him. River was a total golden retriever with his quick smiles and sunny demeanor, but piss him off and he could be just as intense and terrifying as his brother.

River spun toward Kai, still smiling in his happy River way. “Really?You’rekink shaming? Aren’t you the one who likes to chase your boyfriend around and fight each other before you fuck?”

“Primal play is a bit different from scat,” Blaze said. He snapped his book closed. “I keep hoping we’ll have one shift without the conversation going weird, but alas, today is not that day.”

I shut my locker and leaned against the cool metal surface, listening as my coworkers discussed primal play and whether they’d be into it.

I didn’t get it, but whatever. I wasn’t the type of person who ran for anything, and getting all sweaty and tired only to have some guy jump on me and want to wrestle was a giant nope.

“Where the fuck is Nick?” Corey, our manager, burst into the room. “I swear to Christ that kid is lucky chicks are into jailbait because he’s the—”

“Watch your mouth,” Kai snapped, his demeanor going from chill tofuck around and find outin an instant.

Usually he would have calmly interrupted Corey by pointing out that I was in the corner and he was freaking out over nothing, but we were all a little, or a lot, salty at him.

Not only had he let those jerks who’d beat up Gray leave, he’d tried to stop the twins from taking him to the ER.

If that weren’t bad enough, we’d also found out he and his asshole husband had been skimming our tips and stealing from us for months. We didn’t get paid by the club, only in tips.

I’d never liked Corey, or Ray—his husband and the other owner of the club. I hadn’t been able to put my finger on why they gave me the ick, but my instincts had been right and now I hated them.

“Or what?” Corey turned his ire on Kai. “You think you’re not replaceable too? Do you have any idea how many guys out there can do what you do, and probably better? I could have your spot filled in an hour.”

“So do it.” Kai pulled himself up to his full height. Zane and River moved to stand behind him like his personal bodyguards. “Replace me.”

Corey glowered at them, his face going bright red.

“Nick’s right there,” Knox said coldly, pointing to me.

Corey ignored him. “The first set starts in ten. Don’t fuck things up. These are VIP guests. I expect you to do everything they want. And I meaneverything. Otherwise you can all find new jobs in the morning.” He flounced out of the room before anyone could reply.

“Why did that sound ominous?” Blaze asked.

“Because it was.” Kai rolled his shoulders and flexed his hands, like he was stopping himself from punching something.

“What do you think he means by that?” Knox was the newest dancer and had only been on the crew for a few months. He hadn’t been around the last time there was a VIP event.

“He means we’re supposed to let them do whatever they want to us. The no-touching rule goes out the window for rich people,” Kai said tightly.

“No fucking way.” Knox glanced around the room. “Seriously?”

“Yup.” River’s expression matched Zane’s hard one. “Most of the VIP groups are respectful, but some can’t keep their hands to themselves and think we’re hookers, not just dancers.”

“I really hope tonight isn’t like it was on Valentine’s.” I scurried over to Kai and tucked myself against his side. Wrapping his arms around me he squeezed me tight. “I don’t wanna deal with that again.”

Knox looked between us. “Dare I ask what happened?”

“Let’s just say they were willing to tip as long as we did what they wanted.” Kai rubbed my arm comfortingly.

“That’s… Is it as bad as I’m thinking?”

“Are you thinking that someone wanted to pay us to fuck on stage?” Zane asked flatly.

“What?” Blaze and Knox said. Blaze had started before Knox but hadn’t been around for that fiasco, either.

“Like, they wantedyouguys to fuckthem?” Blaze said, carefully.

“Among other things.” River’s eyes were as blank as his voice, which was so unlike him, it proved just how upset he still was. “But that offer was for me and Zane to fuck each other.”
