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“Gray already lectured me! I’ve been scolded. I don’t need a double whammy.”

“That’s what she said,” Aiden quipped.

I snickered.

“Sit up for a second.”

I shifted so he could swipe my phone off the coffee table. “Want to get it delivered, or should we pick up?” He pressed his thumb to my fingerprint ID. I’d added his biometrics to my phone when I set it up because of how often he used it.

“Delivered. I’m wearing my inside pants and don’t feel like changing.”

“The usual? Or do you want to try something different?”

“I’m still scarred after Paige ordered that pizza that came with broccoli and kale on it.” Blasphemy. I shivered at the memory. “I now have pizza trust issues when it comes to the unknown.”

Chuckling, he tapped my phone screen. “Yeah, I’m still not over that either. Paige has agreed she’s never allowed to pick the toppings again. Wanna get extra dipping sauce?”

“Yeah. And some cinnamon sticks too. I won’t consider tonight a success until we’re both in a carb coma.”

I waited as he finished ordering.

“Done.” He handed me my phone. “They’re saying twenty minutes.”

I tossed it back on the coffee table. “I’ll believe that when I see it. How many times do you think that porn scene has happened?”


“You know, the pizza-guy one. Do you think that’s ever actually happened IRL? Like someone is all ‘I don’t have the cash to pay for this pizza’”—I pitched my voice to imitate an over-the-top porn actor—“and the guy is all ‘I know a way you can pay for it’”—this time I lowered my voice and tried to add a little growl to it—“and they fuck?”

“I…I never thought of it. I mean, maybe?” He snickered. “I’d probably fuck someone for a pizza before I did it for a Klondike bar.”

“That’s because you’re a weirdo and you don’t like chocolate.”

“It tastes like dirt.”

“You taste like dirt,” I shot back out of reflex.

“Paige would say otherwise.”

“Or maybe she’d agree with me but keeps her mouth shut because she doesn’t want to hurt your feelings.” I batted my eyelashes at him.

“Ask her next time she’s over.”

“I plan to. I wonder if the pizza guy has to pay for it,” I mused.

“Pay for it?”

“The pizza. The store still needs to get paid. So let’s say a delivery guy shows up and some MILF in lingerie is all ‘oh no, I’m soooo hungry but don’t have any money’ and the pizza guy is all ‘there’s another way you can pay’ and the MILF is all ‘yes, daddy.’” I pantomimed tearing a shirt open. “And he gets some nookie instead of cash. Would he have to pay for the pizza since she didn’t?”

He thought about it. “It would make sense if he did. But considering you have to prepay for everything nowadays, I doubt that’s a thing anymore.”

“Ugh, technology ruins everything,” I grumbled and kicked my feet up so my legs were draped over his lap. “Where’s the romance?”

“Pretty sure there wasn’t a lot of romance going on in these types of scenarios.”

“I almost did it once.”

“Fucked someone for a pizza?”
