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“Or secret agent.” He shrugged. “It was cool the first few times because I look damn good when I’m dressed to kill. Heh, get it, dressed to kill, assassin?”

“Very clever,” I said flatly as Vlado laughed and said, “good one.”

“Vlado thinks I’m funny.”

“Vlado also thinks whoopee cushions are funny,” I pointed out.

“You don’t?” Nick clucked his tongue disapprovingly. “Such a fuddy-duddy. But anyway, like I was saying. The assassin look was fun for a while, but it’s boring to always be in slightly different versions of the same suit. Fashion is supposed to be fun. Boring black is not fun.”

The car slowed to a stop. “We’re here,” Vlado said.

“Where?” Nick twisted around and pressed his face to the window. “I can’t see shit. Am I gonna get yelled at again if I open the door and get out like a normal person?”

“You’re fine.”

Nick scrambled out of the car. I slid across the seat and climbed out after him.

“I have no idea where we are.” He looked around. “You said we were going shopping?”

“We are.”

The door to the unmarked building in front of us swung open.

“Evan,” Bridgette greeted as she and her assistant approached us.

“Bridgette.” I bent down so she could air-kiss my cheeks.

“It’s so wonderful to see you again.” Her pasted-on smile was as fake as always. “Shall we go inside?”

Wordlessly, we followed her into the front of the store, which was set up like a small lobby and separated the main entrance from the showroom.

Nick leaned close and whispered in my ear. “This place looks like a fancy doctor’s office.” His hot breath fanned over my neck. Goosebumps erupted on my skin and I suppressed a shiver. My neck had always been an erogenous zone, which was another reason I wore shirts with collars. “You’re not trying to trick me into getting my kidney harvested, right? I know you only need one to live, but I’d like to keep both of mine, thank you very much.”

I covered my laugh with a quick cough and turned my head to whisper back. “I promise there’s no organ trafficking going on here. Just shopping.”

“Okay.” He looked at Bridgette. “Sorry, just had to ask a quick question.”

She scanned Nick from the top down, her expression dimming as she eyed his clothes. “It’s a good thing I cleared my schedule.” She made a disapproving sound. “I can see we have our work cut out for us with this one.”

Nick’s smile fell and his shoulders stooped.

A rush of possessive anger moved through me. No one spoke to Nick like that in my presence.

I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and pulled him against me. “Bridgette, this is Nick. Myboyfriend.”

Her eyes doubled in size. “Your boyfriend? I thought you were bringing a…companion.”

“You were mistaken.” The outside door banged shut as Vlado joined us in the lobby. “Is there someone available to assist Nick while he shops?”

“I’d be more than happy to—”

“Not you.” Nick snuggled up to me and wrapped both arms around my middle. “Someone who isn’t a judgey mcjudgerson.”

“Of course.” She waved to her assistant, finally acknowledging her. “Elizabeth can assist you with whatever you need.”

Nick moved to stand in front of me, still hugging me tight. “What’s my budget?”

“No budget.”
