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“Really?” His eyes gleamed. “They have those kinds of stores? I’ve only ever been able to find stuff for guys online, and the sizing is always a nightmare on those sites.”

“I know someone who has a boutique that carries lingerie and fetish wear for men. I’ll take you when I have a break in my schedule.”

“Are you sure? This is already too much.”

“Does it make you happy?” I asked, stepping into his space.

“Yes.” He peered up at me shyly.

Nick was only a few inches shorter than me, but he seemed small and delicate when he looked at me like that.

“Then that’s all you need to care about.” I drew him close and gave him a sweet kiss.

He moaned and pressed his hardening cock against my erection.

I tried to pull away, but he held on and swept his tongue into my mouth, deepening the kiss.

“Is there anything I can do to thank you?” he whispered against my lips. “Maybe you could put this this”—he cupped my cock—“somewhere new and fun.”

Alarm bells went off in my head as he kissed me again, cutting through the haze of my arousal. I broke away. “Are you asking me to fuck you?”

“Maybe.” He squeezed my dick.

“What happened to wanting it to be special?”

“Well, buying me a full wardrobe is pretty special. I think you deserve a reward.”

“I’ll take another kiss, but nothing more.”

“What?” He scrunched his face up in confusion, and hurt. “You don’t want me?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“But you don’t want to fuck me?”

“I didn’t say that either.” I pulled him tighter and put my lips to his ear. “I want you, Nick. Make no mistake about that. But I didn’t bring you here because I expected anything from you. I did it because I wanted to.”

“But…” He shuddered as I kissed his neck, just under his ear. “You’re spending all this money—”

I cut him off with another quick peck. “I am, but it’s my choice to do so. I never want you to think you need to repay me for anything, especially not with sex. If I do something, it’s because I want to. A thank-you, a smile, and a kiss is reward enough.”

“Are you sure?”

I nodded. “You’re more than your body, Nicky.”

He blinked rapidly, his eyes veiling with something I couldn’t make out. “Thanks, Ev. No one has ever said anything like that to me before. It’s usually… It doesn’t matter. But thank you. For today, and for not being a creep.”

I dropped a quick kiss on the tip of his nose. “Is that the last of it?”

“Yeah. Is it okay that I got some cozy clothes too? I can show them to you so you can approve them—”

“Of course it’s okay. I told you to get a full wardrobe. That includes cozy clothes. Are you ready to go?”

He untangled himself from my arms. “Yeah. I’m actually shopped out. I think this is only the second time that’s happened.”

“When was the first?”

“When my friend got married last year and I went dress shopping with her and her bridesmaids. Thirteen of them, all with different body types and comfort levels. And a bride who tried on over seventy dresses in two days and insisted on going to five stores to see all her options before going with the third dress she tried on. That was a long-ass weekend.”
