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“But it’s way more fun to appreciate all that when youareattracted to them,” Em mused.

“True.” He nodded. “I thoroughly enjoyed Malcolm’s bachelor party. Way more than Ev did.”

“Yeah, Mal told me.Someone”—she stared at me pointedly—“sat in the corner all night working instead of enjoying the party.”

I shrugged. “His party was this, but from the male gaze. Once the catering was done there wasn’t much left that interested me.”

The lights lowered slightly, just enough to get our attention.

“Welcome, everyone, to Crimson Club,” a silky-smooth female voice came over the loudspeaker. “On behalf of everyone here, we want to wish the best to Emily, the bride-to-be. We’ll be starting tonight’s festivities in a few minutes, so grab a seat, a drink if that’s your jam, and get ready for the night of your lives.”

Several of the women in the room whooped and cheered as the lights dimmed more and red spotlights lit up the stage.

Our server reappeared with our drinks as the guests found seats and the servers rushed about filling and delivering orders.

I set my glass on the small table conveniently located beside my chair. Emily really had thought of everything.

“Now, we have a few housekeeping items to take care of before we can start the evening,” the woman, who I assumed was the DJ, said in her sultry timbre. “Here at Crimson Club, we appreciate and encourage audience participation, but we also respect boundaries.

“At your seats you’ll find two fans. You can use these to signal to the dancers what your comfort level is. If you’re interested in being brought on stage or having any sort of interaction with our dancers, flip open the green fan and put it in the holder so the boys can see it. If you’re not wanting that, flip open the black fan and display it instead. No fan means the same as a black one.

“The boys of Crimson Club love getting tips, and we have a few ways you can deliver them. You can toss it onto the stage while they’re dancing, or you can use that platform to the right of the stage to give the dancer a tip. And because we love rules here, if you choose to go on the platform, we ask that you stick to either handing the dancer the tip, placing it into their clothing, or you can put it in your clothing and they’ll fish it out.”

Several of the guests had already flipped open and displayed their green fans while the DJ was speaking.

“And the last little bit of housekeeping is the state has strict rules when it comes to clubs like ours. Touching is allowed only when the dancer gives you permission, and they will only touch you if you’ve given them consent. And lastly, all places covered by a swimsuit are off-limits, consent or no. Now, I invite you to get comfortable and enjoy the festivities. Let’s welcome our first dancer, Angel, to the stage.”

“Really? Angel?” I leaned a bit toward Vlado. “How uninspired can you get?”

“Don’t be such an elitist grump.” Emily sipped her champagne, careful not to disturb the plump strawberry sitting at the bottom of her flute. “It’s a stage name. It’s not supposed to beinspired.”

The red spotlights went out, plunging the stage into darkness. The crowd went silent as the music swelled, hit a crescendo, then faded into a pulsing beat.

Then came the familiar opening notes of “Toxic” by Britney Spears. Music filled the club. The guests screamed and cheered as a single spotlight revealed a blond man in the middle of the stage, his head down and posed. Thick smoke snaked around his ankles, and the stage lights flashed on and off in a pattern of colors that perfectly matched the song.

The man, Angel, looked up as Britney’s vocals kicked in. His eyes were big and bright and shone with playful innocence as he started his routine.

His movements were fluid and loose. Sensual, but also playful as he gyrated and rolled his hips in the dead-sexiest ways I’d ever seen.

With a slow grin, he yanked off his tank top and flung it into the crowd. I didn’t see where it landed or who got it because I couldn’t tear my eyes from his physique as he continued to dance.

His body was incredible. He wasn’t as big as most male strippers I’d seen, but he wasn’t small. He sat in that in-between stage where he had defined muscles and a tight core with the beginning of a six-pack. A classic twunk, rather than a twink.

He was mesmerizing as he moved about the stage like he’d been born to perform. His energy was infectious, and his facial expressions brought each move to the next level. He was an incredible dancer, but what really made him shine was how clearly he was enjoying himself.

The ladies whooped and hollered as he did some complicated moves followed by an impressive flip. My stomach and balls tightened as he worked the floor.

When he popped back up, he tore off his pants and tossed them aside, timing the move to the change in the song’s tempo. The tiny green briefs barely covered his full ass and showed off his toned legs.

The crowd went apeshit. Several of the guests jumped out of their chairs and rushed to the stage to toss bills on it. Grinning at them, Angel sauntered over to the pole in the middle of the stage.

He moved in time to the music, rolling his hips and grinding against the pole. He leaned back, using the pole to stabilize himself, and ran his hand over his chest and abs as he mimicked fucking someone. The way he had his head thrown back and his eyes closed was as sexy as his dancing.

He worked the pole for another twenty seconds or so, whipping the crowd into a frenzy as he teased them. Then, he focused on the dais for the first time, his gaze flicking between me and Vlado. He tossed us a mischievous smirk and winked before turning his attention back to the throng of women currently making it rain on stage.

Emily had provided each of her guests with a stack of small bills to tip the dancers, and I’d brought along a float so people could exchange bigger bills as the night wore on and they worked their way through their stash.

During the short interlude about two thirds of the way into the song, Angel shoved away from the pole and jumped off the stage. His eyes on our table, he sauntered through the audience and right up to the small stage in front of us.
