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“That’s a wonderful idea,” Adelaide said.


“For the wedding. I still have to finalize the menu. I’ve rescheduled the tasting four times already, and I’m down to the wire.” She rolled her eyes dramatically. “Everyone was available a week ago when I picked the new date, but now Evan is the only one who can make it.”

“And me,” Vlado piped up. “If there’s food, I’m there.”

“When is it?” I asked.

“Tomorrow at two. Please say you can come.”

“I’m free then. And I’ll also never say no to food.”

“Well well well.” Lemon face came up beside Emily and put his hand on the small of her back.

The move was polite and familiar, but it irked me. It looked possessive, but not in the ‘you’re mine and I claim you’ way. It screamed ‘this is my shiny toy, look at it and admire me for having it.’

“If it isn’t Evan’s new beau.” His smile was as fake as the ID I’d used to go clubbing in high school.

“Hello, Malcolm,” I said, making sure to keep my animosity out of my voice. “It’s nice to see you again.”

“Lovely to see you too.” His face twisted up in a barely concealed sneer. “Are you telling everyone what a neglectful fiancé I am?” he asked Emily.

She giggled. “Of course not. I was just inviting Nick to the tasting tomorrow now that both you and Mom can’t come.”

“I thought you were bringing Imogen?”

She made a face. “I know she’s your best friend, but we have nothing in common.”

“Please try to make more of an effort with her. She’s important to me. She should be important to you.”

“I know she is. I invited her, but she declined. If you want her there so bad then you talk to her.”

“She probably declined because you don’t make her feel welcome.”

I glanced at Adelaide to see her reaction to this conversation. She was smiling at Malcolm and nodding like she agreed with him.

Was I the only one who was getting the ick from this? I understood wanting your fiancée and your bestie to get along, but thewayhe was saying it was giving off major red-flag energy.

“Excuse me for a moment,” Adelaide cut in, her attention on something behind me. “I need to speak with Cecelia.”

Cecelia, like Maryse’s replacement? In all the events I’d attended, they’d never both been present.

Lemon face was still focused on Emily. “I love that you have something that’s keeping you busy, but not everyone cares about color schemes or dresses or chair coverings. Try to connect with Imogen over her interests instead of on trivial things.”

“I’ll try.”

Lemon face smiled, but it only made him look more like a cartoon villain with his overly shiny hair and pinched expression. “Shall I get you a drink?”

“Yes, thank you.”

He turned to me. “What about you, Nick? Do you like Shirley Temples? I’d get you a glass of champagne, but I wouldn’t want to contribute to the corruption of a minor.”


I cut Emily off with my pretend laugh. “I’m fine, thank you.”

His smile faltered.
