Page 9 of Falling for You

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Then I start chuckling. “I was just thinking how delicate you are, and then you start snorting. Princess, you are somethin’.”

Our laughter slows and we watch as the sun sets over the water. It’s getting dark and the wind is starting to pick up. Ronnie shivers and I put my arm around her. She stiffens at first, and then snuggles in. I haven’t held anyone like this in a long time. It’s nice.

I shake my head and grin. “I just realized I never formally introduced myself. This town is so damn small that I didn’t even think about it.” I hold out my hand. I feel a spark that travels up my arm when my large hand engulfs her small, delicate one.

“I’m Sawyer Benjamin Rodriquez, former Riverton Prep student, and current employee of my uncle and also Frank’s repair shop. Oh, and a student at Five Oaks community college. Just want to make sure you know all of the glamour you’re sitting next to.”

She gives my hand what she probably thinks is a firm shake. “Sawyer, I’m Veronica Ann Hester. It’s lovely to meet you.” She leans closer to me. “Are we going to have a truce now? Or can I expect sour Sawyer to make his appearance again?”

I chuckle and it feels good. I haven’t laughed in a long time, not in the carefree way I am now. “Sour Sawyer is gone for tonight, Veronica. I promise to be the complete opposite of my usual angry self. It seems like you need a friend and being that much of an asshole is tiring, anyway.”

She bumps my shoulder with hers. “Everyone calls me Ronnie, by the way.”

“Ronnie? Nah, you definitely look grown up enough to go by Veronica. I think I’ll just call you Red though.” Even in the moonlight, I can see her blush.

“Okay, even though that’s not entirely original. Pretty generic actually, but I’ll let you have it. What should I call you? Saw? College guy?”

I bump her shoulder with mine this time. “Those are truly terrible nicknames. You seem like one of those smarty-pants girls who would be at the top of the class. I’m pretty sure I was at the bottom of mine, but I can do better than that.”

“Red? Red is so brilliant and creative.” She laughs sarcastically. “Hah, alright pretty college boy. I’ll leave the nicknames to you.” She flips her hair over her shoulder and tries in vain to adopt the haughty stuck-up tone of her schoolmates.

I can’t help it. Her hand is there laying between us, and I cover it with my own. I see her breasts lift up and down as she takes in a deep breath. I slide my thumb over her soft skin.

“It’s good to know you think I’m pretty. I can’t say it’s an adjective that’s ever been used describe me. Hot, god-like, freakin’ amazing, those have all been used, but definitely not pretty.” I smirk and for the first time in three years feel like the cocky, flirty guy I once was.

“Nice to know your ego isn’t big at all. I hate that you feel so bad about yourself.” I love that her sense of humor is as dry as mine. I snicker in response.

“Red, you can boost my ego any time you want. I don’t mind giving your ego a lift too if you need it.” I lean close to her ear and drop my voice to a low whisper. “I think you may be the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, Veronica Ann Hester. And again, I’m truly sorry about the way I acted back there. You didn’t deserve it.”

She moves her hand from underneath mine and dismisses me with a small wave. “Oh lord, with the lines. That must be something college guys get a class in.” Her voice is full of cynicism, but I just smile back at her. I was telling her the truth, but if she wants to believe it was a line I’ll let her.

“Ah, Red, you wound me. If there were a class in flirtation though, I would definitely ace it. I put enough bullshit out there in my high school days that I probably know all of the best lines. Wanna hear some?”

“Sure, give me some of your best lines. I want to hear what you say to the ladies.”

I take a deep breath and blow it out. “Red, I don’t know if you can handle it. I mean, I googled best pick-up lines when I was fifteen and then I spent hours practicing them in front of the mirror, so I’m pretty good at delivery.”

“You googled pick-up lines?” She shakes her head in amusement. “Now I have to hear some of these.”

I clear my throat. “Well, for this to work you have to look me in the face so I can deliver them the right way. It’s all about the delivery, you know?” I try not to smile, but I can’t help it.

She faces me and I grab her hand. She starts to pull it back. “Nope, this hand is mine. It helps with the presentation.”

I stare into her emerald eyes and tighten my grip on her hand. Her skin is as soft as I imagined. Is she soft all over? I can’t stop my mind from going there.

I lean in closer to her and lower my voice to a growl. “You know what?” She shakes her head slightly.“You’re so sexy you made me forget all of my pick-up lines.”

I know that my words have affected her. Her breath hitches and her hand tightens around mine. I lean back and let go of her hand.

“How did I do?” I ask in my normal voice. A sly grin spreads across my face and she blinks.

Her voice is shaky. “Well, I can see how that might work for some girls. You know, the ones that think you’re attractive.”

“But not you, of course, right?” I can’t help but ask.

She shakes her head and I can tell she doesn’t know what to say next. We sit in silence for a few moments. I love that silence with her is better than talking with most people. I feel innately comfortable in her presence.

“Thanks for making me laugh. It’s been an awful weekend so far. I can’t believe I have to stay with these people for another whole day and night. I don’t know how I’ll make it.”
