Page 33 of Hayden

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I cross my arms and level him with a stern look. “Is that all you think this is?”

“Isn’t it?” He raises a brow. “I’m just trying to do what I need to do to get out of this arrangement of ours. ’Cause it sure feels like that’s allweare ever doing. Playing games.”

Damn, I don’t want it to be this way. I want to have a good professional relationship with Hayden. I’m sure Ms. Garcia expects nothing less. But it seems like our animosity is starting to spill over into work.

I have to own up, though, that today I was the one who started it.

That’s why I need to fix it.

Sighing, I uncross my arms and ask Hayden, “Can we call a truce?”

Holding the back of the chair tucked under the signing table, he says, “I thought we had sort of an unspoken one after I saved your ass.”

I let his smartass comment slide and reply quietly, “I thought so too.”

“So what happened?”

I laugh. “Do you really think we should rehash it? That’ll probably start another fight.”

“Yeah.” He chuckles. “You’re right. So what do we do now?”

“We call a new truce and start over…again.”

“Okay.” He nods. “I can do that.”

“Good. So can I.” I hold out my hand. “Should we shake on it this time?”


We didn’t last time, nor did we shake hands when we agreed to avoid each other.

And look how that all turned out.

Yeah, it’s time to try a new tactic.

He takes my hand, and as my skin touches his, we hiss in simultaneous breaths.

Damn, there is some crazy-wild electricity between us.

“Addison,” he breathes, releasing his grip.

“I know.” Averting my eyes, I pull away my hand. “Just…umm…”

Quickly, he says, “I’m sure that jolt, or whatever it was, is because we fight all the time.”

“Yeah.” I nod vigorously. “That has to be it.”

Looking worried, he asks, “Our truce is still on, though, yeah?”

“It is, yes, absolutely.”

The truce is still on, but we dare not shake on it again.


After we agree to a new truce, as time goes by, a funny thing happens—Addison and I start to get along.

I don’t know if it’s purely for professional reasons or because we’re both so competitive that no one wants to be the first to fuck it up, but we’re actually not at each other’s throats every minute.

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