Page 73 of Hayden

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She doesn’t pull away like she did with me, but she does wince a lot. “Yes,” she bites out. “It hurts, but not in a way like things feel broken.”

“Hmmm, okay.” He nods. “That’s a good sign. I don’t think anything is broken either.”

While Rob continues, I blow out a relieved breath.

Once he’s done with his examination, he stands and tells us both, “As I said, nothing appears to be broken. It’s just a bad sprain. Still, if the pain gets any worse, or doesn’t get any better, I’d recommend having it x-rayed.”

“Okay.” Addison nods, and then she asks, “Is it all right to move around?”

He chuckles. “Yes, of course. But I want you to follow the RICE protocol—rest, ice, compression, and elevation. What I recommend is for you to take it easy for the next few days. Apply ice four-to-six times a day for twenty-minute intervals until the swelling goes down. Keep your leg elevated when you’re seated or lying down. As for the compression, I have an Aircast in my truck. I’ll grab that and also bring you in a set of crutches. You might want to use them to get around for a couple of days. That way you won’t apply any undue pressure to your ankle while it’s healing.”

“I can do all that,” Addison replies. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Rob says. “I’m glad I could help. Now let me run out to my truck and get those items.”

While Rob leaves to grab the Aircast and crutches, Addison finally lets me help her into the living room.

It feels good to have my arm wrapped around her and to have her leaning into me. I’ve missed being close with her.

After Addison is settled in the crook of one side of the sofa, I meet Rob back at the front door. He hands me the cast and crutches, and after I thank him, he leaves.

I take everything into the living room, setting the crutches close by.

Holding up the Aircast, I ask, “Do you want me to put this on for you?”

“Yeah,” Addison says, holding up her ice pack. “I think it’s time for a break from icing, anyway.”

“Probably,” I agree.

I take a seat down by her feet and strap on the Aircast, which is essentially two cushioned plastic braces supported by a piece of cloth that goes under the heel of her foot and then is secured with Velcro around the calf.

Once I’m done fastening her cast, I slip a throw pillow under her foot and stand up. “There. I think you’re all set.”

“What now?” she asks, peering up at me sorrowfully.

I don’t want to make any assumptions, so I hedge, “Um, I guess I’ll go back over to my house.”

Blinking like she might start to cry, she asks, “Can you stay with me for a little while, Hayden?”

I’m actually relieved she’s asking, as I don’t want to leave her alone, certainly not when she’s clearly down and out physically and emotionally.

“Of course I’ll stay,” I say with a smile.

Even if she wasn’t injured, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be than right here with the woman I love.


Idon’t know why, but I feel so emotional. I’m truly about to cry. And I sure as hell don’t want to be alone. I also don’t want just anyone here with me—I want Hayden.

He’s the one, and it’s always going to be him.

Yeah, I’m in deep—I love him so much. And tonight I’m finally going to tell him. No more just mouthing the words when he can’t see my face. No more waiting for the right moment.

There’s never going to be a time like the present.

So after Hayden says, “Of course I’ll stay,” I ask him to sit down next to me on the sofa.

He hesitates as I lower my legs and place my feet on the floor—carefully, of course.
