Page 75 of Hayden

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“As long as I’m around, yes.” I slip the throw pillow under her ankle as she gets settled. “At least I plan to until your foot starts feeling better.”

“Okay.” She smiles. “I’m not going to fight you on that one.”

“Finally, something we agree on,” I tease.

She laughs. “I know, right?”

I sit on the coffee table and take her hand in mine. “Hey, speaking of fights and disagreements, I’m sorry I didn’t say anything to you sooner about talking with Kristi.”

Waving her free hand, she says, “Hayden, forget about it. It’s all water under the bridge. But for what it’s worth, I’m sorry for not giving you the benefit of the doubt. I overreacted. And I think you were right—I was just scared.”

Softly, I ask, “You’re not scared now, are you?”

“No.” She shakes her head. “I’m not.”

Smiling at her, I say, “I guess our whole fight could have been avoided if we’d just let each other talk.”

“Probably, but we’re learning.”

“We are,” I agree. And then I add, “Hey, there’s something I wanted to tell you.”

“What’s that?”

I’m practically bursting with joy when I share, “I got the land.”

“Holy crap!” She squeezes my hand. “That is so awesome, Hayden.”

“I think so, too, babe.”

“So when can you start having a house built?”

I blow out a breath. “After all the papers are signed and it’s official. I’m thinking by the beginning of the new year.”

“This is so great,” she murmurs.

Addison is beaming, and it touches my heart that she’s so happy for me. But I don’t want to do this alone. It really means nothing without her.

I tell her as much, and then I add, “I want your input every step of the way.”

She nods excitedly. “I can do that. I think it’ll be fun sharing ideas.”

“That’s exactly what I’m thinking too.”

I actually want more. I see a clear future with Addison, and I want her to eventually move in with me. That’s another reason why I want her opinions and input. She needs to love the house. I know she likes the property, but she should feel at home there as much as I hope to.

I don’t want to put it all out there today, though.

I’m going to wait for the right time.

Besides, I just heard her stomach growl, and I’m fucking famished as well.

So, letting go of her hand, I ask, “Now, what should we do for food?”

She thinks it over for a beat and throws out, “How about we order pizza?”

“Sounds perfect.” I stand, taking my phone from the back pocket of my jeans.

Together, we take a look at the online menu and decide to order a pepperoni pizza and breadsticks with sauce.
