Page 14 of Arden

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Call Arden, a little voice in my head suggests.Or text him. You have his number in your phone.

Luckily, I do. He and I exchanged numbers when all of us were cleaning up and having fun in the kitchen after dinner.

Maybe I should get in touch with him. He’s probably waiting for me to initiate contact since I didn’t even say goodbye Sunday night.

Now that I think about it, I probably should have put on my big girl panties and at least done that.

The guy was so sweet and charming.

And he sure is nice to look at, especially in that finely tailored suit he had on. It showed off his strong quads and wide shoulders to perfection. And when he took off his jacket, the crisp white dress shirt he had on underneath really emphasized his muscular arms.

I sigh again.

Yeah, Arden is one fine-looking man.

But that’s not why I want to get in touch with him.

Crap, I better remind myself of that before we get together.

If he even wants to see me, that is.

He could be busy, or he could have other plans.

Oh, stop stalling. There’s only one way to find out.

Sliding my phone out of my jean shorts pocket, I pull up my contacts.

His name is pretty much at the top since it starts with an “A.”

So much for trying to drag that out.

Pursing my lips, I start to type a message.

Me: Hey, it’s me, Willow.

I roll my eyes at myself.

I’m just so good at starting witty conversations via text—not!

It takes a minute, but then those little moving dots appear on the screen, indicating he’s typing something in return.

Thank God.

It would suck to get blown off on my first attempt at contact.

I don’t know why I feel so nervous all of a sudden, but I do.

Arden: Hey.

Okay, great, he’s worse than me. This is beyond awkward.

Me: I hope I’m not bothering you.

Arden: No, not at all.

Oh my God, we suck.

And he’s clearly a man of few words when it comes to texting. I’m not so great either, but I’m going to have to step it up and get this conversation going.
