Page 17 of Arden

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“Hmmm,” she replies, nodding, “that does sound cozy. I can’t wait to see it and have lunch there. And for the record, I skipped breakfast, so I’m starving.”

“I did too,” I admit with a chuckle, “so I’m right there with you.”

We make small talk the rest of the way, some random comments here and there about the passing scenery. I also point out things like the closest grocery store and who has good pizza.

I like how everything is so relaxed and comfortable with her. She’s easy to be around. I think we have real potential to become actual friends.

That’d be cool, as my only friends these days are guys.

Once we reach the café, which is in the business district of our closest small town, I park along the street out front.

Willow and I get out of the car and head inside.

Since there’s no wait for a table, the hostess leads us back to the outdoor courtyard right away.

“Wow, this really is nice,” Willow remarks as she glances around.

We take our seats at a table under a big shade tree, and the hostess hands us our menus. She steps away briefly and returns with glasses of ice water for us both. We thank her before she walks away.

As we peruse the selections on the menu, Willow asks, “What are you thinking about getting?”

I shrug. “I’m not sure.” I scan through the sandwiches and sides. “Maybe just a burger and fries. What about you? Anything catching your eye?”

“Yes, actually…” She taps a pink-painted nail on the menu and turns it my way. “I’m leaning toward this tuna salad croissant sandwich with homemade chips. That sounds tasty, right?”

“It does,” I agree as I check that one out on my own menu.

Ultimately, though, when the waitress comes over to take our orders, I go with my first choice—the burger and fries. Willow, no surprise, chooses the croissant sandwich with the chips.

Our server asks us what we’d like to drink, but we tell her we’re fine with just ice water.

Since we have a little time before the food comes out, I lean back in my chair and ask, “So, are you excited to start your new job next week?”

After taking a sip of water, she lowers her glass and nods vigorously. “I am. Though, to be honest, I’m a little nervous too.”

I try to assuage her worries. “Ahh, that’s to be expected. But don’t worry. The Thunder is a great organization to work for. I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

“Yeah, that’s what Addison and Hayden keep telling me.” Cocking her head and peering over at me, she says, “Sooo, speaking of the Thunder, I know the team is an expansion one and has only been around a couple of years. So who did you play for before?”

After taking a quick sip of water, I share, “I played for the San Jose Sharks.”

“Oooh.” She raises her brows. “California. I bet it was fun out there.”

“It was,” I reply. “But I like Atlanta. And though it’s still almost a three-hour flight, I’m closer to my hometown where my parents still live.”

“Oh, interesting. Where is home?” she asks.


With a mischievous glint in her cornflower-blue eyes, she says, “So you’re a Canadian boy,eh?”

That makes me chuckle as I confirm, “I am.” And then, since I remember Hayden sharing with me where Addison is from, I add, “You’re a Pennsylvania girl, right?”

She nods. “Yep, born and raised.”

Our food arrives then, and since we’re both hungry, we dig in.

“This is delicious,” Willow remarks between bites of her sandwich. “How’s your burger?”
