Page 19 of Arden

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The mom looked pretty excited too.

And really, so did Arden.

On the way out to the car, he told me he really enjoys the fans. “Some of the guys get annoyed all of the time, but, for the most part, unless I’m having a really crappy day, I don’t mind. I mean, fuck, if it weren’t for the fans, there’d be no team.”

“Good point,” I agreed. And then, because I was feeling playful, I bumped his hip with mine and shot back, “What if I told you I’m a fan too? Will you autograph something for me?”

“Absolutely,” he replied, the mischievous twinkle back in his blues as we reached his car. “What would you like for me to sign?”

I resisted the urge to keep up with the teasing and say, “Maybe my boobs?”

But that would probably blur the friend line.

So, holding the passenger door handle, I thought it over and finally replied, “I’m not sure. Can I think about it?”

“Of course,” he said.

Even now, hours later, I’m still pondering what to have him sign. Boobs would be nice, and really fun to watch his reaction while signing.

But in all seriousness, I want to come up with something good, and more permanent, for his autograph. I really will have to put some careful consideration into this.

But what I need to do right now, before I walk up to Arden’s place for our firepit night, is change my attire. Even though the day has been warm and sunny, it is still spring, and the nights can be cool.

I head up to my bedroom, where I change into jeans, a white V-neck tee, and a pretty multicolor sweater that buttons down the front. I can always take it off if I get too warm.

Finally, I trade out my sandals for ballet slippers and slide out my ponytail holder, allowing my hair to tumble down my back.

I think I’m ready.

After slipping my phone into my back pocket, I jog down the stairs and head out. I’m glad I have something to do tonight, as the house is far too quiet and lonely with Addison and Hayden gone.

The short walk to Arden’s house is nice with the sun setting in the distance and frogs singing down by the creek. Addison told me the water runs through the woods behind the homes.

Since Arden said earlier to just go around to the back, that’s what I do when I reach his place.

I find him in the patio area, kneeling down at the stone pit as he adds a small round birch log to a fire that’s just flickering and sparking to life.

I don’t want to startle him, so I come to a stop and say softly, “Hey, that fire looks good already.”

Okay, so I’m not the smoothest conversationalist.

But Arden doesn’t seem to mind.

Standing and smiling, he beckons me over. “Come have a seat.” There are two wooden Adirondack-style chairs positioned side by side in front of the fire. He motions to one as he adds, “I wanted to get the fire going a little early, but trust me, it will be a lot bigger once it really lights up. That’ll keep us warm back here.”

As I sit down in one of the chairs, I reply, “Sounds good to me. It’s still nice out, but I’m sure it’ll cool down soon enough. That’s why I changed clothes. I notice you did too.”

“Yeah,” he says, glancing down at his jeans and long-sleeved black shirt. “I think between our warmer clothes and the fire we’ll be just fine.”

“Yeah.” I nod. “I think so too.”

Arden adds a few more pieces of kindling, and the fire flames up nicely.

“There we go,” he says, straightening up. “Now all the logs are lit. It’s just a matter of time before this baby will be roaring.”

“Awesome.” I lean forward, rubbing my hands together and enjoying the heat. “It feels good already.”

“It does,” he agrees as he sits in the chair next to me.
