Page 2 of Arden

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One of us will advance to the next round, and the other will see their season end.

Fuck, I’m not ready for the offseason to begin just yet, so I remain über-focused, skating with finesse around the pesky Lightning player at center ice who just caught up to me and is trying his hardest to strip the puck away.

“Fuck off,” I bite out as I stick-handle flawlessly around him.

I skate away as quickly as I can, leaving that fucker in the dust.

As I enter the zone, Hayden follows. He’s wide open, so I pass him the puck. He shoots at our opponent’s net, but their damn goaltender blocks the shot.

Fuck, so much for that potentially game-winning play.

But wait, maybe not, as the puck just zipped out and is right on the blade of my stick.

What luck!

I have a clean shot too.

Winding up, I shoot the puck.

I know it’s going to go in, and we’ll win the game and the series.

Round two here we come.

But then, like I’m watching the play in slow motion, the damn thing hits the fucking goalpost.

“Noooo!” I shout.

This cannot be happening.

Oh, but it is.

And it gets worse, as a Lightning defenseman comes up with the puck. And just like that, we’re heading the other way down the ice and into our zone.

I can hardly believe it.

Everything becomes a blur then as a Lightning forward settles the puck after a perfect pass, takes just one fucking shot—exactly like the one I just blew—and the fucker, of course, goes in.

The whole arena goes silent.

This is a home game for us, and the crowd is clearly as stunned as we, the players, are.

“What the fuck just happened?” I mutter to myself as the whole Lightning team hops over their bench and skates out onto the ice to celebrate and congratulate the guy who just won the game for them.

That should be me.

And those should be my Thunder teammates celebrating.

Instead, I feel like a pariah.

I stand on the ice shell-shocked with my dick in my hand. Well, not literally. But I am too stunned to move.

It’s all over for us.

We’re done.

I could have been the hero of the game, but instead I’m the guy who blew a perfect shot.

